Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

just stick to boomkin going around 2 shotting ppl in pvp at a more then safe distance.

To be fair…most of us also don’t know how to play it (or any other class that requires resource management; ie Warrior and Rogue).

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I know how feral works, you’re free to look at my parses. Gore is a bad rune, period.

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I’m sorry but are you saying that omen as no rng to it and also saying it can proc anytime with in a certain time window? You know that means it’s rng right?

Whats laughable is that you play feral and have no idea that feral is a proc-based class.

Is 5% too low? perhaps, and I mentioned that previously. But gore fits the spec perfectly mechanics-wise and adding mangle to the way it procs makes it accessible in pvp too.

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A much better rune would have been tiger’s fury reduces the cd of berserk by 15-30 seconds every time you use it.

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with powershifting and taking out the TF rune you could reset the beserk CD instantly with a rune like that.

Omen is set to 2PPM which means the proc chance per hit changes with your attack speed and if you do ANY testing… yes it will proc every 30sec give or take a few sec.

this is the same system procs like “crusader” use and they are very reliable…

if you look at things such as Rogue sword spec (actual RNG) it is a 5% flat chance per hit regardless of attack speed… thus why combat rogues want a fast OH weapon to take advantage of this.

the rune gore as it is right now has a 5% chance per hit of mangle cat or shred to rest the CD on KoTJ which is TRUE rng and with such a low chance on 2 abilities that cant be spammed due to energy cost makes this rune HOTDOG WATER.

Again tho… for bear its honestly not THAT bad… could be better but tbf not that bad… for cat it is trash AF


They could possibly upgrade this to give a 15-20% for the people who don’t want to power shift so they have alternatives, and make this count as the bear tank rune. Then have another real cat dps rune that gives tanks an alternative play-style like mangle+ lacerate.

I wouldn’t mind bear tank and cat dps runes having secondary effects that can give alternative playstyles to one another without needing to make a new rune. They could do the same thing to resto and boomy.

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yea I mean or put it on 1-2PPM and just add to melee swings in cat

Experiment 1: Normal caster form using a dagger 1.60 speed.
Results: Proc’d 27 times out of 500 hits = 5.4% proc rate.

Experiment 2: Normal caster form using a staff 3.70 speed.
Results: Proc’d 36 times out of 300 hits = 12% proc rate.

Exp #1: 60 sec / 1.6 spd = 37.5 hits/min
5.4% proc rate = 0.054 procs/hit
so 37.5 hits/min * 0.054 procs/hit = 2.054 procs/min

Exp #2: 60 sec / 3.7 spd = 16.216 hits/min
12% proc rate = 0.12 procs/hit
so 16.216 hits/min * 0.12 procs/hit = 1.946 procs/min

Conclusion: Procs every 30 seconds, and does not change with weapon speed.

Any hoo, I’d like to remind you that crit works the same way as gore and you can only increase your crit by a very small amount for those combo points. With talents, lotp, and bis gear you have about 11% crit and only applies to mangle, shred and rake. (35 vs 48 energy cost). Next phase we get powershifting with lotp, the speciality +energy on powershifting helmet, and resetting the CD on TF for more energy. I think you’ll find that using shred for the rune is not going to be a problem.

The only question is if 5% is too low or not.

You kind of just proved his point for him.


Your 1st copy paste from wowhead is literally my entire point.

2nd in what world do you only have 11% crit ?!?!? im at like 25%

I LOVE when boomkins hop on a feral thread and have no idea what they are saying.

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Bis gives you +2/+3% crit. lotp is 3%. crit talent is 6%.

You’re not getting over 20% crit

I have over 20% crit right now.

BRO is this guy trolling?

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im runnign 25% ish when MTing gnomer right now

he has to be a troll…

Maybe he doesn’t know agi gives crit?

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You said that omen of clarity changed with attack speed which is completely opposite of what the quote says. you literally didn’t know how omen worked.

this is why boomkins should stay in their lane everyone LOL

LOL re read my post again my guy

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Please do something other than Gore. It’s really terrible. The bear rune is limited to 10 rage gen for most content while lacerate is used and 5% chance is just too low. Looking over my logs I think I get maybe 20 mangle/shreds in a single boss fight so this rune gives me one extra Tiger’s Fury (maybe) that I can’t control the timing of.

Meanwhile the other physical melee classes have truly cool and meaningful abilities that are guaranteed to work…? Why is Druid treated so poorly by this team…? It can’t be the windfury tax as shaman are literally the top dps in p2 so please help me understand why Druid is just so garbage to this team.