Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

I won’t try to speak for the entire feral community, but I know many of them share my opinion.
I do not want this rune. I do not enjoy RNG procs. I do not enjoy high or low rolling my performance.

What I want is reduced mana cost on shapeshift so that feral Cats can do what they’ve always done, what’s been the CORE mechanic of vanilla Cat DPS. I want to powershift more often and make our buttons feel impactful to our performance. irrelevant.

Edit: The purpose of this thread was to voice my opinion on the design of the Gore rune, not to discuss the merits of powershifting game play. I’ve kept the “What I want” section in for intellectual honesty, but I now see that it’s irrelevant to the topic of discussion. Gore is, at best, lack luster for Cats and just mediocre for Bears. Please keep your conversations centered on this topic and be polite to your fellow players. They are allowed to have an opinion.


pls dont do this to us. its so bad I cant even imagine theyre taking feedback at all. give us WHH as a rune why is this so hard to understand everyone who plays the class is in agreement that we want to powershift


having a 1/20 slot machine rune as a dps is fun and engaging what do you mean? i love getting no procs the entire fight, looking at my low dps and pogging out of my mind

*its a joke i hate gores design


It seems they didn’t even consider that you’re not able to have both Lacerate & Mangle at the same time as bear when adding this.


I don’t want the rune for Bear either. Unless they have moved Mangle off the glove slot from Lacerate so we can get both, this rune makes ZERO sense.
And even if they did do that, and it does work, I STILL don’t want it. I don’t need another single target ability on a random proc chance.


The rune is hot garbage. Its been hot garbage since it was leaked in data mining months ago, and its hot garbage today.

Hows that for a disclaimer Blizzard?


Pls change Gore to make Ferocious Bite not drain all energy and actually do dmg. We want our rotation to be more engaging not more RNG… Strong but RNG =/= Fun




Random rare procs are not particularly fun. Doubly so random price that play poorly with the core mechanic of feral: powershifting. We should see Runes that synergize with classic feral, not that compete with it.

Energy proc abilities delay powershifts and end up giving you less energy than advertised because of it.

Just make King of the Jungle use its Wrath text and give -60% shapeshifting mana cost and scrap Gore. Literally all cat wants is the mana to do what it already does best. Not have occasional procs that give you one free fake powershift.


Seems you are being quite…feral…about this.

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I love having my rotation be dependent on an unreliable proc, please reconsider this. Gore is neither fun, interesting or good.


Praying we get SOMETHING better than this. Feral DPS was already in a tough spot in P2 and if this is the kind of runes we get in P3, well I’d rather just roll rogue.
Where are the powershift improvements? Where are our mana cost reductions? Why are we given these slot machine runes instead of QoL improvements like other specs?
I thought the point of SoD was to improve upon existing “Niche” specs rather than make them worse?



Thank you.


If this is what I have to look forward to doing to be an effective DPS, then I think I’d rather not play.


Coinflip runes are not fun ferals want synergy with powershifting not random procs with dollar store powershift. Please give us something new or interesting instead of minorly “upgrading” abilities we already have.

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As a feral main from vanilla classic all the way through wrath, I am SOO disappointed by gore. It does not seem fun at all and completely takes away from the enjoyment i’ve had playing feral.

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What everyone else has said. #NoGoreMoreShifts




