Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

No he said that a slower weapon has a higher chance to proc per swing than a faster weapon.

reread your own post

Per hit and per swing are synonymous here.

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Exp #2: 60 sec / 3.7 spd = 16.216 hits/min
12% proc rate = 0.12 procs/hit
so 16.216 hits/min * 0.12 procs/hit = 1.946 procs/min

12% @ 3.7SPEED

Exp #1: 60 sec / 1.6 spd = 37.5 hits/min
5.4% proc rate = 0.054 procs/hit
so 37.5 hits/min * 0.054 procs/hit = 2.054 procs/min

5.4% @ 1.6 SPEED

okay hes not a troll he just cant read


I have litterally been saying this you absolute buffoon.

maybe troll?? cuz no you have not my guy

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oh yeah sure okay. Maybe leave designing a class to other people because you are the last person they should be listening to.

lmao the copy paste from wowhead that literally showed you EXACTLY what i said was accurate… awesome job

You are so close to brain dead it’s hurting me.

enjoy the troll flags my guy lmao go back to boomkin

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You have a top end feral tank and a top end feral cat telling you it’s bad. You are entitled to your opinion, but your parses are not feral so I am inclined to weight them less then actual feral who play the spec.

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we dont need to bring parses into this XD

I have a feral druid and a balance druid just so we’re on the same page here.

I hope they put in gore at 2% proc rate just so you can cry more about it at this point honestly.

yea 10/10 troll just ignore him at this point

Why would you do that to yourself.

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Because there wasn’t dual spec and it’s faster to gear up two druids than it is two specs. Also I can have skinning on only one character so the other can have two power professions.

but anyway back to the subject, I think its honestly not THAT bad for bears in its current state ASSUMING they fix us to have access to lacerate and mangle at the same time…

but for Cat I think ill leave it to the Cat mains but my suggestion is 1-2PPM on all cat melee swings.

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Feral Druids really seem to want blizzard to double down on powershifting, but I don’t think they ever will. Powershifting is emergent gameplay and the design was probably never to spam shapeshifts to get energy back, lol. I’m not saying I’m against it, but I am saying the support you have now (HOTW+NSS+Furor+Wolfshead Helm) is the closest you’ll ever realistically get. They’re not going to nerf it but I’d bet my bottom dollar they view it as a sort of janky mistake and don’t really want to encourage it.

Gore is dumb though for sure.

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I cannot stand gore,

I rerolled feral because it looked like a fun alternative to rogue, I wish you guys would double down on bleeds, or more shifts.

Coming from a mage, I feel as if I made a massive mistake if this is what I have to look forward to =/

#NoGoreMoreShifts #NoGoreMoreBleeds


Through all phases (and the upcoming one), powershifting is the by far the best way to DPS as Feral. By not giving us any other viable options, they are making us powershift anyways. Gore is just a useless rune, powershifting or not it is bad.