Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

agreed. was basically the only way to make feral playable in classic. not needed now.


How about something better than powershifting? That never felt fun to me, it felt like tedium and required more fiddly combos.


Unfortunately based on this forum and the druid discord, so many are in love in with power shifting. I would rather shifting be a utility that is used when needed instead of part of the rotation to maximize energy gain. It being integral part of maximizing dps is silly.

Also makes you be completely selfish. You only want to innervate yourself. You dont want to shift out to brez or anything, because that is mana you can use to shift 1 more time for 40 energy.


here here!

That’s true. And you don’t want to wear a lvl 40 helmet forever … I main cat dps on era (fully clear everything) and am pretty much bis…

The only saving grace is as our kill times get faster , I don’t run dry after innervate/demonic rune/mana pot (maybe)

I used to have to sit on my innervates for healers … but I don’t usually have too anymore. More often than not pot cd is reserved for some kind of resistance pot. And unfortunately I do have to reserve some mana for that brez.

Power shifting is cool, but the whole mana thing is frustrating.

Is gore just another version of clear casting? Clearcasting is probably the most frustrating part of feral dps.

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A rune that replaced furor with something that made it function like energy did in wrath but with an increased regen gain rate would work.

So if you can get X energy per minute powershifting you would X + 40 or something with that rune.

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I would love that

Aren’t feral’s supposed to be happy about this rng rune?! hahahaha! What a damn joke! Blizz could have made that rune so much better (and still has the time to do it) but we’re dealing with people that clearly haven’t played any feral spec. What a sad day for feral.

Runes should lean into the themes of vanilla play styles and not away from them. Leave casino game play to retail rogues.

gore stinks

oh please god no, even the bear side why does it give mangle procs when u have to run lacerate most of the time. let us shift in peace

Agree. This is so RNG and lackluster. Give us a reduced mana cost for shifting instead of pigeon holing us into a lvl 40 “bis” helm, or at least kitty version of swipe. Anything but Gore.


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Nobody likes the RNG, but if you are going to do it, at least make it worthwhile. Such a low chance to proc, and the cooldown that we are resetting is so low impact, and such a low cooldown. Absolutely terrible rune. Itll maybe proc once or twice per fight, and you could get unlucky and only reset a few seconds on the tiger fury CD. Yippee…

yeah, unless they planned on fixing this somehow, its just showing off how disconnected from the game they are

I agree with you, #lesspowershifting


For Cat Gore is horrible… and I agree with the OP 100% here

for bear IF THEY ALLOW LACERATE AND MANGLE at the same time its decent… nothing to write home about and kinda lackluster but decent none the less.

I think this rune was a complete miss by the Dev team… just shows you even more they have no idea how to play a feral.

Can we please swap SOTF and Skullbash?!?! JFC


Yeah, I agree. I don’t want gore AND I don’t want to powershift. I understand that a lot of people loved power shifting from vanilla WoW. I also understand that Druid was the least played class in Vanilla WoW.

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Feral is an RNG/Proc spec and always has been so this isn’t really new.

Omen of Clarity was always rng proc.
Crit = more combo points or more rage is also rng.

Feral was given a hefty dps cooldown in phase 2 and now phase 3 gives you an rng way to hit it more often.

It’s par for the course. Almost like people playing feral have no idea how feral works.

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Omen Of Clarity is on a PPM you will get a proc every 30sec give or take 5-6sec

Crit can be stacked via gear

this is a 5%chance on 2 abilities that you cannot spam due to energy restrictions…
To compare crit chance and omen with Gore is laughable.

If they changed Gore to be PPM and be able to proc off melee hits as well… we wouldnt be having this convo… yet here we are… apparently the devs arent the only ones who dont know how feral works 0.0