Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

Its staggering to me people want a boring rotation over one filled with split second decisions, people don’t shoot for the stars anymore I guess…

Powershifting an entire boss start to finish is not fun, rewarding, or engaging at all. They might as well just add an ability that converts mana to energy.

Well, it’s your opinion and we can respect that. Other’s will disagree. That’s the beauty and curse of a game like this. Everyone wants something different.

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I play feral in wrath. Feral has always been one of the hardest rotations to do. Very few classes in the games existence comes close. Almost every class has a set ordained order of spells with clear cut rankings on when to use them. An ability with a 5% proc chance is not going to make a rotation interesting at all. If anything you are going to be underwhelmed and frustrated when you don’t get the procs that you are expecting or looking for.

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I did as well and it was great, engaging and fun.

That doesn’t mean Omen of Clarity didn’t give you a boost of dopamine every time it procced. (Before they made the godawful change to proc every Faerie Fire)

They have a real good opportunity to make something cool here with powershifting and kotj, gore probably isn’t the answer but it’s really degrading to see people saying “50% less shift cost!!!”

That’s not really the point of the forum though. The message really can just be boiled down to No to Gore, Yes to Shifts.
How they implement it would be up to them. Yes a blanket cost reduction isn’t a good answer either. But the point of the forum is that Gore, as designed, currently, right now, is not liked by most people playing the class.
They wanted feedback, here it is.

Maybe make a rune that reduces mana cost of shapeshift and maybe even encourages shapeshifting in some way?

and I’m giving feedback too, reducing shifting cost is boring and would be beyond OP in PvP

Ok great. But until there is a rune for that, it’s an academic discussion.
Do you have suggestions for Gore as it’s written now?

I would love feral to play like wotlk feral, it wouldn’t be new, but it would be fun. They need to give us the toolkit to make it happen though. Rip is currently near worthless, shred is hitting harder than a 5 point ferocious bite, we don’t have access to omens without losing key feral talents, and we have no idea if they want us to power shift or not based on their changes.


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Gore is a legion tank ability, it feels like they literally just put some random feral ability on it with no thought and called it good. The sad thing is that feral only gets 1 dps rune and if it’s trash we have no other alternative.

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To be fair, we do get access to a mana reduction talent, it just won’t be “fully integrated” until lvl 60.
But that’s not really the problem. Gore as designed just kind of sucks. Low chance, low impact. Maybe some think it’s ok, but I don’t.
Regardless of the mana problem, my whole message here is that the casino nature of the Rune, like all gambling, feels good when you hit the highs, but really sucks during the lows (ie. no procs at all, what was the purpose of your rune?)

Agree with most people here and say that Gore is not fun for feral. I dont want to get random 5% procs. It’s brain dead gameplay and not fun when you get no procs.


Thats ok you’ll be able to duel spec and heal…lolol can you say RETAIL INC soon, next will be mythics, btw hope you got 120 bag slots to hold ur 12 sets of gear

saw this crap compared to the other rune previews and was disappointed.

hopefully this is the bear rune and a much better one for cat is also on that slot.

I hate powershifting as mechanic but yeah this isn’t any better. Whoo!!! tiger’s fury is available marginally more often!!!

Something like FB refreshes the duration of rip would be much better.


Yep this is literally just my TF is available now weak aura will flash slightly more often.

Maybe they’ll end up changing it to 25% proc rate.

I don’t know the answer. I just know that Gore, as is, is unappealing.

I will be honest. I want the opposite of OP. I do not want to powershift constantly to be able to dps. Give me abilities/rotation that doesn’t require powers-hifting. More so as it basically requires furor talent(missing out of feral stuff for raid/ap) and pigeon holed into upcoming wolfs head. It’s time to try something new, this isn’t classic.

I don’t mind shifting for mechanics, pvp or certain times to OT and such. But I do not like it being a required “core mechanic” to be able to do the top dps.

I will say the current preview of the runes for us is just boring. The spec is already falling behind and without WF for ally, wouldn’t be used except to tank(and thats a maybe). Horde is already at this point.

  1. Give me a finisher worth hitting. Rip is stupid. The 3 extra seconds that it was given was pointless. Ferocious bite is again useless. If the latter didnt use all energy up and was better damage, would finally have something to hit.

  2. Let me use Potions, talk to NPCs, use utlity(Brez, poison cure, curse cure etc) in FORM. You already did this for boomkin. Why can feral not do it? All these raids that require a consume mid battle just destroys our dps. And if you are an alch, using the potion does the same. Hell popping out to innervate a raid member does the same.

  3. Make mangle or a new ability the spam ability. Atm we mangle to put up a debuff and thats it. Everything else is shred, which is ok for the most part, but its a positional. So when a fight has movement or boss turns a lot to cast, well sucks to be you. God forbid you pvp or grinding mobs, you are basically stuck to spamming mangle(unless the enmey player is dumb).

If I had number 2, I wouldn’t care about the obscene cost of shifting. I say all this as someone that doesn’t run Furor and runs the AP/Lotp. Because I despise power shifting but enjoy feral and druid as a first time playing it.

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Looking through all the helmet runes, looks like Feral and Balance are going to be the worst DPS phase 3 100%.