Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

its gorver

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You’re not technically wrong. But consider the math for a moment:
On a long fight like Thermaplug, you’re getting between 50-60 total casts of Shred if you’re an exceptional player. Let’s take 55 for a “good” amount of Shreds.
55 * 0.05 = 2.75 procs on average. Which is just short of three powershifts worth of energy and about 12-18s of uptime. That’s on a 5-6 minute fight. Shorter will be much worse.

If the goal was to give us more energy via KotJ, they could have accomplished the same thing by just adjusting the mana costs of shifting (like original KotJ) to give us about 1 shift per minute.
If the goal was to give us more TF uptime, why hide it behind such a low proc chance? That’s going to make the best performance dependent more on luck than skill in the chosen class.

I’m not saying that playing with Tiger’s Fury as a concept is bad. I think linking it to a pretty bad proc chance is bad.

The only conclusion is that they want the proc chance. They want the dopamine rush game play style. I’m assuming they think it will be “fun” or “rewarding”
I’m just here saying that I don’t think it’s for me. They’ll either listen and agree, or they won’t and we’ll get Gore as they intend.
I’ve said my peace about it.

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I love this post so much. I despise the Gore run so much. It is literally a rune that doesn’t do anything 95% of the time and you get such a such a minor benefit 5% of the time. Bears’ section of the rune doesn’t even properly function for 1/3 of its feature! You can’t even use Lacerate and Mangle on the same slot! And to add the hilarity that is the rune of Gore, when you Power Shift with the Tigers’ Fury Damage buff, YOU LOSE IT WHEN YOU SHAPESHIFT!

Feral sits with Gore while Rogue gets Cut to the Chase. Sheesh. What a world.

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Seriously, please Casino Cat is not the move. If we’re going to kill powershifting, do it all the way with bleed juggling or managing CDs. What we have now is half of 3 styles, and it is SO clunky.

If I had to pick, I want to lean into the power shifting rhythm game for SOD, and reduce shifting cost.


+1 This rune feels like a slap in the face to every single feral player.


It’s definitely going to be an RNG fest now. Oh, you got 4 Gore procs that pull, and I got 0? Who parsed better?

Well, maybe there will be some alternatives to use in this slot… hopefully.


They will move Lacerate to Legs so bear can have mangle and lacerate

Proc based runes are not actual power increases unless they proc, which means there is a chance this rune doesn’t do anything in a fight and you end up having one less rune than every other player. There’s absolutely no chance that someone playing feral designed this.


I would rather see a glyph that gives ferocious bite a 20% chance per combo point to refresh the duration of rip.

Whoever is designing Feral needs to be fired.


Blood in the Water from Cataclysm only no target health requirement.
I would also be onboard for this. Again, at least it would make you want to use FB. Cat finishers are wet noodles atm. Anything to make them meaningful would be useful.

Power shifting drops tigers fury so they don’t synergize at all.

Let’s try to keep it civil though. The devs only know what they know. We’re just trying to get them to hear us.

I stopped playing cat dps Phase 2 because the runes made no sense. Although tanking was fun, I want to POWERSHIFT. It’s literally why i made a druid from the start of SoD. Please build upon a solid foundation instead of making a whole new one that no one wants.

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Power shifting is already gunna give 60 energy once you get wolfshead so how is this rune doing anything new. Every power shift is essentially a tigers fury. A 5% proc chance is terrible design.

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You do realize within the first 2 mins of the video, they state how they want to hear peoples feedback?

You aren’t helping by being the way you are.

I mean getting into a fight with random shill on the forums is what made me say GG to my gear/characters.

I’m not replying, I said all I needed to say. If you want keep going go ahead. Gl continuing to do so.

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You do realize they haven’t followed through with that statement since the launch of SoD?

Where have you been?

What about if you go OoM before the boss is even at 50%?

That’s not the point I’m making. Every feral rune exists at some point in the game already in different expansions. There has been zero attempts at creating something novel like other classes have. They are turning feral into a Frankenstein spec that doesn’t work because it doesn’t have a full kit from any era they are pulling abilities. Now they created a rune that does something we already do in a round about low chance way.

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It gets worse. Shifting removes the Tiger’s Fury buff. So you don’t even get the increased uptime if you shift after a proc. You’ll have to actively hold your powershift while TF is up from this proc. Or just eat that cost I guess…