Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

The 50% reduced shapeshifting doesnt exist. Yes it would be nice but the discussion is trying to be about why Gore is bad. Lets tackle that problem before fighting against changes that don’t exist.

Cause hot damn gore is terribly designed for BOTH feral specs


See that there is a reasonable response. Lead with that one next time mang.

Dealt with too many Feral elitists, and these threads reek of that Discord so I came in swinging

Swinging the same crap they do in that discord is clearly the logical response. Thanks for the actual input on gore though fr <3

I’ve captured my audience, I’d say it was.

On a more serious note, replacing Gore with the WotLK “Rip and Tear” talent would be a good start.

The easiest solution to making feral great again is to give a Wolfshead Helm Enchant so we can use it with the LW helm, along with WOTLK King of the Jungle. Those two changes would synergize beautifully together and give lower mana cost shifts and the ability to do more per shift. We don’t want a slot machine rune.


This or something that they are giving every other DOT class - allowing their DOTS to crit.


I’d take that over the gambling rune any day

My friend who mains feral thought it was a terrible rune when it was first datamined and hoped it wouldn’t be added. Wasn’t interested when it was unfortunately announced in the preview video.

Seems the hatred of this rune is fairly widespread.



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It’s a pretty poor design, yeah. You’re going to see logs with 0 procs and logs with 10 procs.
Not that logs are the end all be all of WoW, don’t get me wrong.
I just don’t care for such a low chance, low impact ability. If the proc was more interesting and synergized more with the rest of the gameplay, then it could be fun. Why have it refresh a buff? Why not just “your next Bite is free and costs no Combo Points?” Bite sucks, but if you want to make “interesting and engaging” gameplay, this could work fine. (obviously they’d have to up it from 5% chance lol…)

Maybe instead of resetting tigers fury it could…add 3 second to rip duration?

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See… I know this is a sarcastic post but… I must respond…
It would have to be intervals of 2s since that’s how often Rip ticks.

ya but if you get 2 procs of gore thats 3 extra dot ticks. stop trying to nerf druids.

… why not just make it literally Glyph of Shred then where your shred extends the duration of Rip by 2 seconds?
And what happens if you get a proc and you don’t have rip on the target? Yeah it’s bad to not have it up, but it happens.

No cap, I would have excepted a rune that copied Glyph of Shred. It would make using Rip actually mean something instead being a single digit percentage of our damage.

I would literally accept a rune that just lowers shift cost over Gore. That’s how bad I think Gore is.

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Sorry but chance to reset the CD on tiger’s fury is actually insane and nothing to complain about.

Weird that the bear one mentions chance when hitting with lacerate to reset mangle cd though.

How is it insane? Care to elaborate.

It’s very bad…

Maybe Natural Shapeshifter will make it better. But that’s a problem for 3 months from now me.

A 5% proc chance on an ability we don’t actually get that many casts on is pretty bad.

You don’t lose powershifting with this. It just adds value to your powershifts.

so instead of powershifting to shred and t hat be it, you get powershifting shreds that reset your cd to Tigers fury for more energy and more shreds. Those procs are going to feel SO good. The only people this is bad for is for parse runs because you’ll have to reset the fight if you get bad rng. Which can be fixed if they just increase the chance from 5%