Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

You know you can go play wrath/cata, right? SoD was/is supposed to be trying different things. Not just replacing the vanilla game with future expansion’s gameplay.

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if we are going to play with procs resetting cooldowns, make it something fun.

have gore reset berserks cooldown


Literally Resto druid is the only spec that got useful runes this phase. The rest are just terrible.

Galewind - sucks 100% damage buff to 0 damage is still 0.
Gore - dogpoop
improved barkskin - should be usable in any form baseline. D tier
Efflorescence - Only good rune druids have, S tier for resto
Elune’s Fires - dogpoop, extended dot time on dots that cant crit and do no damage
Improved Frenzied Regen - Should be baseline, D tier.

Zero effort on runes. People were thinking feral would pop off with ACP and it fell flat on its face because druid scaling sucks and has no AoE.They had to add in catnip and head enchant to keep the IV going for feral just to stay alive. Class still will be dogpoop phase 3.

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The changes they give feral seem very conservative while they still hand out stuff like low energy mutilates and WoE to other classes. Are they afraid that ferals are going spiral out of control into melee powerhouses? We won’t lol

My guess on the future P4 feral rune: “Your ferocious bite has a 2% chance to increase your intelligence by 12 for 30 seconds and increase the armor of all party members by 50.”


4 days left and 5% casino RNG gore still hasn’t been changed.

This definitely wins the worst rune award.

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I think its neck and neck with Savage Roar (aka the worst druid ability ever created).

My sub is up in a few weeks. If the P3 announced feral changes were good I probably would have stuck around. As is, they just double and tripled down on the most degenerative, annoying, unfun playstyles from across druid history.

Oh yeah, to top it off feral cat still has zero AoE since we are the class that gets to “keep the flavor of Vanilla” while other classes get their vanilla flavored wrinkles ironed out.

Silver lining, at least if you roll alliance your still a totem though there will be less and less alliance as the phases go on at this rate…

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They actually managed to make the worst version of Feral ever.

Combining savage roar and shifting is just insanity.


Blizz hasnt cared about druid for the entirety of SoD

worse then living growth or whatever it is called that procs off healing crits?

Bump for any sort of attention on ferals.


As it stands bite currently isn’t utilized and excess combo points not otherwise spent on savage roar or rip are wasted. This, in my opinion, is untapped potential. Adding a rune that improves bite & makes it WORTH TO PRESS would actually be a welcomed addition to the rotation. Ways you could do this besides just making it do more damage is simply having bite restore mana based off combo points spent leaning more into the powershifting side of the feral rotation. More mana → More shifts → More combo points → More finishers

Just make it make ferocious bite cleave or have it refresh the duration of 5pt rip

Its really strong with regrowth on a full resto
More useful in pvp tbh

They made balance a playable, fun spec and you think they dont care?

Blizzard please. No more Gore. Make shifting fun and viable please.

You can still fix the gore rune blizzard!! wont make it super fun but could make it viable…

Leave the bear part alone its fine (assuming you allow us to take mangle and lacerate at the same time).

Change the cat part to a PPM not a flat 5% chance and attach it to all cat attacks.

PPM on gore would be better but still not great unless it leads into TF having charges or extending time on next TF or something.

Im also not a huge fan of catnip. Why not have that replace the savage roar rune and just give feral cat a 30% across the board buff (part of that same rune?)? Being forced to buy a consumable to fix issues with your spec doesnt feel all that great honestly. It would also solve the fact savage roar is the most unfun ability in the game and a feral cat has to use it.


Oh I agree it wont be great! but it would make it much better and as ferals thats all we can really ask for tbh…

As a bear MT catnip BETTER BE useable in bear form or ima lose my ****… bear needs ACP/MCP for threat as much as cat needs it for DPS… due to the TERRIBLE game design we have gotten…

If they wanna remove it there are ways to do that like increasing Cat AND Bear damage per hit or doubling the feral AP on items… or making it a rune (maybe instead of gore??? lol) or both.

Bear and cat have been royally ****ed so far in SoD and we DEMAND it be fixed… why was an “oversight” (mangle/lacerate) not even MENTIONED for 2 entire phases while me and many others flooded the forums… youtube comments… wowhead comments… with posts about it…

Why does Mangle (bear) have NO THREAT MODIFIER?

why do bears have to choose between WS and SOTF… why are cats forced to use SR and never have access to their interrupt??

Why was berserk COMPLETELY useless if you ran lacerate at the start of P2?? how are these things even making it to the game?!?!

At this point I have lost ALL faith in our “dev team” if you wanna call em that even…

how about wrist runes for bear?.. check out how much of a let down that is compared to every other class…


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Because it was never intended to be your main rune - lacerate was. Lame, but that’s the only way I can interpret the admission that Aggrend made regarding the rune placement.

We get a head enchant to make powershifting the expected baseline behaviour they will balance against going forward. Yaaaaaaaay.

Honestly, I agree:

Feral druids, ranged hunters, holy paladins all got told “don’t bother playing” from the lack of interesting runes they got.

this is simply not accurate… Mangle Bear and Lacerate were BOTH suppose to able to be taken at the same time… Mangle Bear is THE ONLY bear ability that has no threat modifier… this is completely stupid and honestly no reason it ever should have been a thing.

Mangle(bear) is like our shield slam, Lacerate like our devastate.

we are the lowest DPS tanks and lowest threat tanks in the game due to this “oversight”

as far as the powershifting meta I wont comment on it as I am MS bear and will leave that argument to the feral cats… however I personally dont care if we power shift or not what i do care about is savage roar AND power shifting at the same time is actual cancer