Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

Don’t worry you still have Cata. Have fun :slight_smile:

Why would I want to play that version of the game? It doesn’t appeal at all, nor does that version of feral.

SoD did.

Speak for yourself. Powershifting for raid dps is a janky mechanic and likely not intended when it was created. The intention seems to be to facilitate hybrid gameplay and switching between forms without much resource downtime.

Not some weird pseudo cooldown for energy.

They should give it the tigers fury treatment and have a rune completely alter what it does.


Savage Roar AND Powershifting with really weak runes to top it off. They actually think managing a damage buff, GCDs, and an energy tick is fun.

They really messed up Feral in SoD. At least this is seasonal lol. ‘LF Feral’ is all you’re going to see in the chat next phase.

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What I want as feral is good class design and balance with other classes. Same thing I want for all classes in this game because that’s what makes it fun and interesting.

Rune of the archdruid

Furor now reduces the cost of shape-shifting by 20% per point and grants xx% rage generation in bear form and xx% energy generation in cat form.

Give us something cool.

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Make it compete with a strong DPS rune, like Wild Strikes and I’m fine with it.

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Rune of Perceived Business Value

Blizzard actually invests in the class design of feral for the first time ever.

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Genuinely sad to see the new datamined druid items… Blizz telling feral players that they will powershift if they like it or not.


Doesn’t really matter. You still spend less time using rip, which means more time using other skills. Unless rip is ignored completely this is a good thing.

Bear runes have been a disappointment the last 2 phases. They put zero effort into bear tanks, had to beg for swipe update.

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Speak for yourself, powershifting has always been a god awful terrible mechanic that was there to compensate for awful feral design.

You’re literally just button mashing to abuse a poorly designed energy regen system, there is exactly nothing compelling or interesting about it.


So you think a rune that occupies a slot should be a 0.5-1% dps upgrade and you’re fine with it?

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better is better

They added something called catnip.

My thought is that its going to be a purchasable green thistle tea for cats, but can be consumed in form.

Edit: It could also be a durational buff for powershifting, as it seems to be leaning towards that with gore.

Perhaps you retain your energy bar when you shift out of cat so when you go back in you start at where you left off? Maybe even allowing it to regenerate as you are out of form for a few moments, allowing for heals to be cast or other critical spells.

Let’s not further lavish praise upon the heap of garbage of powershifting. Much like ranged hunters, non-powershifting Druids seem to be treated like an afterthought to be ignored and fall off in usefulness.

I’d love to see some changes that makes non-powershifting Druids more viable - like flat energy gains increasing the long you remain in cat form. Or even energy cost reductions that kick in after 10-20s of staying in form. That way we’re rewarded for not shifting, while not completely taking away the meta for those who want to.

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I noticed this with Mage, as well. I really don’t like the ‘proc’ meta of a lot of the runes.

There should be a predictable rotation, imo. Arcane mage and Fire mage feel like playing a slot machine. I have had entire fights without a Missile Barrage proc off Arcane Blast and it is a 40% proc rate.

Gore for feral dps just feels…bad. They could make it so much better, imo.

“Casting Mangle reduces Tiger’s Fury cooldown by x seconds” would make so much more sense and, imo, make it feel lot less like a slot machine.

For mage, Missile Barrage should just activate at 2 Arcane Blast debuff stacks.

I believe catnip just replaces ACP. It gives the same haste buff and can’t be stacked with ACP.

I also believe that they have a new head rune that gives the WHH energy effect so we’re not stuck with WHH forever.

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Keeping this thread alive until 5% casino rng rune is changed. Bad game design.


You know you can go play classic era, right? SoD was/is supposed to be trying different things. Not just playing vannilla wow for the 10th time.