Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

Im pretty sure SoD, if it was actually given resources and dedicated developers that knew what they were doing, would easily outperform cata or hard core. Instead, they are spreading their resources thin and treating this version of vanilla as sort of a joke.

When you are stuck in bands under cap for 2 months, balance is pretty important. This is especially important when you foster a community of min/maxers who only care about parsing and when you want PvP to be an endgame activity. If you want balance not to matter, the content needs to be BFD level AND dont waste time on PvP.

When you advertise a game with fun runes and new playstyles, dont just offer that to a few specs and give others runes that just fix how bad they were in Vanilla. I just saw it was datamined that shaman may get wolves. Granted thats not a new playstyle but where are our trees? Where are our fun, play style changing abilities? Why is feral just getting abilities that barely float us up into the “good” vanilla class but “mediocre to bad” SoD class territory?

I just wish all the classes had the priest/shaman treatment.

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Oh yeah, why doesnt Elunes fire also let HoTs/DoTs crit? It would take the rune from lame to good immediately.

Well Ill say it again… if the Mangle/Lacerate “oversight” went unchanged and unaddressed in anyway for 2 entire phases… its pretty clear no one on the dev team leveled a feral druid.

I should not have to choose between bringing the WF buff OR taking my survival rune as a bear. Shamans don’t.

I should not have my Shield Slam (snap threat) ability NOT have ANY kind of threat modifier.

I should never have had to deal with Berserk not interacting with lacerate whilst not being able to take mangle as well.

EVEN CURRENTLY as a bear while tanking a boss that needs no interrupt (crowd pummeler for example) I have 2 yes TWO completely dead rune SLOTS i literally dont have an option that will even engage with my character… and NOW they wanna give us a little more healing on frenzied regen?? are you kidding me???

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Please go back and re-read - Mangle was not intended to be your main rune, not that you weren’t supposed to take.

Also, it should be noted - ALL bear abiliites have a threat modifier. It’s baked into bear form, a 30% mod to all threat done (ie: damage as threat).

I literally don’t have time for trolls like this guy^

Post on your main stop hiding

Yes bear form has a threat modifier built in its 1.45 talented

IN ADDITION TO THIS^ every other bear attack has an ADDITIONAL threat modifier built in… if you had a clue you would know we CLEARLY weren’t talking about the bear form modifier.

Yes Mangle and Lacerate were suppose to be available at the same time as per Aggrend’s tweet.

No, you.

I am aware. Just like I am aware that there is static threat associated with FFF - 108, to be exact. Or maul and swipe initially generated 175% of damage as threat (modified to 227.5% damage-as-threat in bear form, before factoring in the 15% additional threat from Feral Instinct) and that Demo Roar generates 20 threat per affected target…

However, Mangle doesn’t have a static threat mod, most likely because it’s not something you weren’t meant to use frequently - it’s on a 6S CD and already hits harder than Maul does. (I’m not fully raid buffed or 40 yet, but my Mangle hits 15% harder than Maul does just due to the scaling) It does 30-25% less threat per hit, but since it only uses 10 rage vs 10+ rage for Maul, that’s a fair trade off.

Can’t post on your main? why are you hiding?

Maul has no CD other than swing timer (2.5sec) yet does more threat than mangle after talents they both cost 10rage. this argument you have made is frankly less than Inteligent.

I am sure we all know the math for threat on bear abilities if we are posting here like we know what we are talking about but thanks for sharing? i guess?

also after talents and bearform modifiers both swipe and maul used to do 2.5x threat

Swipe I believe was changed to x2 threat b4 bearform

Lacerate also does 2x threat b4 bear

but again pointless info as im sure we all know that… the issue is if Mangle bear is locked behind a CD it should do more threat than abilities not locked behind a CD this is simple basic game mechanics that almost every other class follows and shouldnt be a stretch to understand.

I stand by everything I have said… this “dev team” is completely out of touch with the player base for ferals. and have demonstrated a complete lack of understanding even on the most basic level how this spec/class functions.

Nothing, I chose not to. Focus on the message, not the messenger.

Maul does not cost 10 rage. This really makes me wonder…

I’m not so sure you do. Because if you did know the maths as you mean to imply, you would have noted that Maul turns a white hit into a yellow one, meaning it not only costs 10 rage, but denies you gaining any rage from that attack - pushing it up in actual cost. The amount will vary depending on your stats, what you’re hitting, whether it was a crit or not, which rage formula SoD uses (I couldn’t verify which in a cursory look). My rough guesstimate is that Maul actually costs in the neighbourhood of 13-16 rage.

So… 50% more rage, 25% more threat, and 15% less damage? Yeah, that seems entirely fair.

Talented Maul costs 10 rage my guy and yes it does replace a melee hit i also mentioned that… crits also not only grant rage still but bonus rage while talented for it as well

I would love to see your main this is a very common practice… when arguing from authority like you are… you kinda need to have authority and right now u are a lvl 10 mage who is clearly clueless :upside_down_face:

but Clearly I am the one who has no idea what I am talking about lmao

You are still not accounting for the rage lost by it being a yellow hit still. You said you acknowledged it, but I still don’t see you noting that loss of rage as part of Maul’s cost.

I don’t claim to be an authority. I’m pointing out how your math and logic is flawed.

Mangle costs 10 rage. Maul costs 10+whatever rage your white would give you. Maul is anywhere from 30-60% more expensive to use than Mangle because of that, and generates 25% more threat as a result. Funny enough, Mangle paired with Lacerate is actually better than Maul alone. I suspect that if Bears can use both at once as intended, their threat will be substantially better.

Quick Strike functions similarly for warrior’s Heroic Strike. On the surface it’s slightly more expensive for less damage, but because it doesn’t eat a white hit, your rage generation doesn’t suffer nearly as badly. It also plays into other abilities that result in an overall damage bump.

If you can’t process “yellow hits generate no rage” then that’s a big problem for you.

OK Blizzard, you’re going in the right direction with the new Power Shred set bonus.
Just make the new Gore effect that set bonus and make the set bonus the old Gore effect and we’re GOLDEN!

You’re so close… just take that last final step!

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Oh fates, I just saw.

Welp, time to delete my druid.

If you tank as a druid you might as well reroll blizzard hasn’t given a F to fix a rune issue since day one and we are going on phase 3 do you REALLY think they are going to wake up in phase 3 giving any F’s


enjoy the troll flags my guy I am done feeding you XD


Make the spec viable without powershifting.


power shifting should have never been a thing it was players finding a solution to making druids viable since blizzard wouldn’t


Please make an actually useful rune for ferals that isn’t just a lottery chance or extending duration on a low impact dot.



This, and then forget the gore part.

Still no changes to 5% casino RNG rune.


They also didnt fix the oversight of mangle and lacerate being in the same rune slot. I would think that would not be filed under “minor change”. Then again, it was such a small issue to them they identified it and let it sit for 2 phases…