Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

Slot machine systems in lieu of real meaningful additions as runes hurt. We already have the rotation we are all used to and love, we just wanted more flavor to it, not gamble and hope for the best? Seems lazy and uninspired, give us mana reduction or mana gain on wild strike proc.


that person needs to go back to school


You made the statement assuming a position I never held, and then hold up my refutation of your assumption as evidence that I support it?

Berserk and King of the Jungle are also SOD abilities. And they both serve to make powershifting less necessary. Your claim was “You don’t want to use Berserk and Tiger’s Fury” - which is nonsense. I made no such claim - I like them and recognize that they are great additions.

I’m not playing Wrath/Cata, nor is this the Wrath/Cata Forum. How about you compare the game we are playing (SOD) instead?

And SoD has no Invocation, no Convoke, no Feral Frenzy, no juggling various buffs (Apex Predator, Sudden Ambush, Blood Talons), less button bloat (Rake can be ignored, Thrash, Adaptive Swarm, Brutal Slash) and less debuffs (Rip only - mangle and FFF can be kept up by other party members if present. No thrash, or rake).

Retail feral druid is often described as being the highest skill ceiling for mediocre damage due to the number of interlinked abilities, procs and constantly ranked amongst the busiest and highest APM classes.

No they are just not. King of the Jungle is a Wrath talent and Berserk is a MoP ability.

No, my claim is you don’t want to properly manage your energy (through powershifts), you want the game to do it for you through berserk and tigers fury.

You should. It seems like those versions of Feral are exactly what you want.

So you want a middle ground of slower feral compared to retail but no “jank” powershift? Hmm… if only there was a version of WoW that offered that…
Regardless. Even if you stick to SoD. How about just advocating for your playstyle while not trying to ruin it for ferals who enjoy powershifting?

Aside from MCP all these just stems from the fact you have to powershift though. The best Ferals who could powershift weren’t doing poor DPS. If everyone could just start playing Feral and do the same damage as top powershifting Ferals, there would be way more people playing Feral. And honestly Rogues/Warriors popularity would stay the same if they had to farm an MCP, it wouldn’t stop them from playing the class.

Powershifting is just a boring mechanic. Having to sit there and keep an eye on your energy and the tick isn’t fun for most people.

People will come up with any way they can to do more DPS. Powershifting just happened to be the way to do it. That doesn’t mean they WANT to do it. They are just min maxing.

You have wrath head where rip is significantly better than SoD. Look at every parse for feral and see how much damage comes from Rip. Ill save you the trouble, not a lot.

Yes, they are.

King of the Jungle is obtained by completing the Dark Rider collection.

Berserk is obtained via Idol of the Heckler in Thousand Needles.

Are you even playing as feral in SOD?

Make up your mind. Do I want to manage it via Tiger’s Fury/Berserk (which according to you, aren’t in SOD at all anyways) or not. You’ve contradicted yourself twice now.

Yes, it’s called SOD. And I’m not trying to “ruin it for ferals who want powershifting”. I’m saying not buffing an obviously unintended and janky playstyle is the ideal way to go - which is exactly what Blizzard is doing.

They are recycled abilities. Nothing in the game for ferals at this point is novel, its just abilities pieced together from toolkits in future expansions. Berserk is WoTLK though, not MoP.

I am aware, but the point was not “where did this abilities come from”, but “whether or not they are in SOD”, which they are, unequivocally.

Pretty much all the SOD runes are from other, later, expansions.

There’s a good amount of them that are recycled, but there are also numerous ones that do not exist in the game anywhere.

Fair, I’m not really all that invested on their origin or inspiration - the fact is they are in SoD, and therefore can be referred to as SOD abilities.

How bout this for a rune: shape-shifting no longer has a mana cost but generates one stack lasting 30s, at 10 stacks it hibernates you for 30s, doesn’t break on damage

Sleepy kitty needs a nap

thanks for dodging the question entirely and begging the question on your own argument


I speak for all ferals. Spend money on fixing feral or we quit.

most of us ferals WANT to powershift, it was and always has been peak feral. It’s the FotM ferals that are whining. Those of us that play whether its top or bottom dps enjoy the powershift meta


Looks like they’re headed that way again anyways. Just like OG Classic Feral is going to be one of the least played specs in SoD soon because of powershifting.

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Speak for yourself. I am not FotM chasing, I play what I enjoy. I do not want my class balanced around powershifting - let those who enjoy it, do so. But don’t make it a core part of class design.

Sadly, it seems Blizz is taking the other approach given recent datamined items. So it looks like one of my favourite class fantasies is now no longer on the short list of classes to play going forward. Shame.