Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

doesn’t feral get a rune that extends the duration of rip

And it wont be good, they already extended it by 6 seconds as it is

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For the tank side would love to see lacerate moved to pants, would make this helm rune feel semi functional with little to no changes.

For kitty side, I think increasing the chance from 5% to 15% or 20% might be decent if we have to keep the rune in its current state.

Though imho it would’ve been WAY nicer to have something that addressed the glaring issues this class has, anything from mana problems shifting to a lack of aoe in either form. Other classes/specs got their glaring flaws fixed through runes, allowing some specs that were previously unplayable to now be enjoyable and fun, but feral for some reason is chained to theirs.

Side note savage roar feels bad to press, why not just make it a passive 30% phys damage in cat, or something that ramps up to 30% damage the longer you’re in cat form. Orrr refreshed on Rip/Bite if they’re hellbent on us pressing it.

Agreed, terrible design. Ferals have had massive issues since start of p2, and p1really.

Weapon scaling not being a thing and Feral AP being dumb, rune positions, ACP being core to dmg and tanking, the fact MCP was stronger than ATIESH and ACP is more of the same, except now you have to weapon swap…

BLizzard PLEASE sit down and fix feral druid issues, for god sake.

Let me introduce you to this beautiful thing known as Wrath/Cata/Retail

Let me introduce you to, if you want that playstyle…then go play those games.

I 100% believe Metzen would do better than this team without even trying.

Retail feral druid has jank of a different kind. No thanks.

I play SoD because it’s slower overall. Powershifting is jank.

So your solution is to turn classic feral into retail feral and make it slower for everyone?
How about just advocating for your preferred playstyle and leaving powershifting alone so people can enjoy it.

No, my solution is not to turn Feral into the stressful micromanaged class that it is in retail - which I view powershifting to be a symptom of.

If you want to powershift, go hard. I’m just saying Blizzard shouldn’t support a playstyle that is obviously not intended. They’ve already shown that intent with the tigers fury change

So you don’t want to have to manage energy with tigers fury and berserk, you don’t want to have to manage mana with powershifts, and I assume you don’t want to manage DoTs which is mainly retail gameplay… So what DO you want to do?
I see your train of logic as the symptom of Retail gameplay, just keep adding QoL to the class until it becomes uninteresting at which point you might as well just play a rogue.

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Whoa there. Where from Satan’s rectum did you pull that nonsense from? I don’t mind either ability and think they’re both great ways to undermine the jank of powershifting.

This is the only true thing you’ve said.

Don’t assume. Druid DoTs have always been the differentiator between cat and rugs

Not good? every rip would last 22 seconds instead of 16. Every 3 times you cast rip you end up having a full durations worth of rip for absolutely zero energy cost. Maybe it’s not flashy and exciting, but “not good” is not the words I would use

From ur literal next sentence:

Which, if you didn’t know, powershifting IS your way of managing energy without the (retail) abilities Tigers Fury and Berserk

Well the only difference between Retail feral and Wrath/Cata feral is that you manage less (direct) buffs such as Mangle and Savage Roar in favor for managing (indirect) debuffs/DoTs such as the bleeds you apparently love so much. But you said you don’t like managing your mana and you don’t like managing your energy through powershifts so the only difference left is the DoTs which apparently you like to manage in Classic but not in Retail for some reason?

You think if you ask nicely that they are just going to dedicate resources to fix it? That isn’t how reality works. They are just going to assume that you will stick around regardless and not do anything. We need a stampede of pissed off feral druids.

They are right though in that powershifting was an unintended design that was thought of by players because Feral was a poorly designed and underpowered spec. Ferals were not a popular class in Classic and powershifting is the biggest reason why.

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Sure powershifting was unintended, so was melee weaving for hunters and so was bunny hopping in Counter Strike. This has no inherent power in the decision of whether the mechanic is objectively “good” or “bad”.

This has nothing to do with your premise, if Feral was already an A tier class people would have still came up with and used powershifting, I can prove this by looking at hunters in TBC, they were already A tier and after everyone started doing melee weaving (because of the macro situation) they simply became S.

This is just a wild claim and I have no idea on how you would even begin to defend it. The real deciding factor on a class’ popularity is its Dps output. I can prove this by looking at the amount of people who played Feral in Wrath before and after the buffs, same as with Ret paladin. Has nothing to do with playstyle, has everything to do with output and people rerolling to the fomo class.

Someone even did the math on Reddit, and found that, on average, it will take 85 (EIGHTY FIVE) seconds for Gore to return the same amount of energy as a single powershift.

It’s just an awful rune all around lmao

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Uh…no, they were unpopular in Classic because of:

  • endless MCP farming
  • mediocre DPS
  • having to compete with rogues/warriors for gear (good luck getting anything lmao)
  • the general stigma against druids being the “worst class” in vanilla

You’re making a pretty absurd claim that “powershifting is why ferals were unpopular”, care to substantiate it with some evidence?


it would be nice to if they just implemented the other half of King of the Jungle they conveniently forgot about. https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=48495/king-of-the-jungle