Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

It’s not just feral. I think they are somehow getting lost in the sauce here. Maybe because the team is too small? But look at starsurge. They somehow had no idea starsurge was 100% sp scaling even though it was implemented that way from day 1 and actively talked about, but wasn’t looked at by the team until after p2 launched

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This guy is going to get his forum access taken away for spam

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its so common here now a days :confused:

Its not asking to do feral things out of form. It means give more support to shifting as in reduced cost so they are not OOM in 4 shifts.
Feral is the only hybrid melee that is getting completely left out of in regards to mana replenishment or attack power to spell power conversion.
I know they have innervate but that scales off spirit so it will not even fully refill their tiny mana pool and is best given to a caster.

Not that spammy


Fix gore. Get rid of Savage Roar. Give feral things that bring them to the level of a SoD class and not just to where they should have been in Vanilla.

PS. The barkskin rune should be a book.

PSS If you dont have time to improve the runes then bake some other benefits in. The rune that extends DoT/HoTs? Also let them crit. Gore? Give bear and cat the Moonkin treatment where they can do things in form AND a mana reduction for shifting. Etc.

SoD is supposed to be about fun abilities and playing classes you know in new ways. All you’ve done with feral is spackle over the issues with the Vanilla design so they can play like they should have originally in Vanilla. Its really really boring and lazy design.


LOVE this comment!!! yea feral runes altogether are a JOKE… are you joking with us??? LOWEST DPS TANK IN THE GAME and we get a better frenzied regen??? how about some DAMAGE…

your gore rune STILL says lacerate will proc mangle and STILL no announcement of us having both of those abilities at the same time!!!

Not to mention the gear that was datamined I hope the stats are wrong! the plate shoulders vs leather shoulders is funny AF… plate has more armor cuz plate AND 12 str… vs the leather 4agi and like 2 stam… yea 4agi and 2 stam =12str… i guess we forgot about bears gaining AP again… SHOCKER.

Why can’t we get something cool like displacer beast.

And what’s funny is that gore isn’t even the worst rune.

The feral wrist rune extends rip by 6 seconds. That’s it lmao.

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The only interesting rune we have, aside from wildstrikes, is sunfire. And it’s a shame we can’t really use it.

The irony is, if Gore said “Shred reduces the CD of Tiger’s Fury by 1-2 seconds.” we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. I don’t think anyone minds about more TF usage, it’s the ridiculous random chance for it.

They already extended rips duration in a tuning and somehow think extending it further is game changing.

Another Irony is the wrist rune actually reduces the buttons we press. It would have been cooler to get an ability that consumed our bleeds for a large damage ability.

For example:
Open, get Roar up, 5cp Rip, build 5cps, hit “insert ability here”, bleeds consumed MASSIVE HIT, 5cp Rip, Rake, repeat…

This could have been a neat change to bite except it can’t cost combo points, otherwise it’s not synergistic with Rip.

Or even something simple like, “Ferocious Bite causes your Rake to do 100% of it’s full duration damage and consume the bleed.”

The point is… Gore isn’t fun.

Reducing cooldowns is probably the lamest idea they could come up with.

These runes should be fun

Gore- shred now refreshes the duration of your bleeds by 4 seconds and no longer requires you to be behind the target.


Gore- ferocious bite refreshes the duration of Savage roar and hits up to 3 nearby target.


Gore- furor now grants xx increased energy regeneration per point.


Gore- shape-shifting now costs xx% health instead of mana

Metzen is the story and lore guy, not the mechanics guy. You want Ion…so Druids are hosed.

Please no.

Powershift is just jank and bad.

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Powershifting :face_vomiting:

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As is this rune actually encourages powershifting. Powershifting gives you more energy which lets you cast shred more. More shreds means more gore procs.

All that really matters is this rune is bad and unfun for all play styles.

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Powershifting is a kretch.

Ferals should have the staying power to not have to create meme laughed at specs.

Fix this casino RNG garbage. Gore sucks. Do better.

I agree with this. Barkskin changes should be from a book