Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you


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Thankfully you may choose a different run instead.

Have fun in Season of Discovery!

I’ve been playing Feral since I consider myself a “Raider”, and this spec never seemed to receive much love from Developers, yet the community from the beginning has always tried hard to get the best out of it, despite all the difficulties. Over time a challenging gameplay was created, but unfortunately it was unrewarding. You can be the best feral you can be, but you can never go into a phase or expansion expecting to be top DPS. At the beginning of SOD things seemed to be different, they gave us windfury and our DPS was respectable, it was a good phase, but it ended and now we seem to be heading in the same direction as conventional WOW. So far apart from Windfury which although new, is a skill already present in another class, our cousins ​​Shamans who, by the way, received attention in this phase and today occupy the entire DPS chain, meanwhile we Ferals are forced to use a LOP build for the good of the group, and now we have a new 4% proc that won’t even allow us to do PS without losing the ap buff it gives us, Im feeling like the friend above mentioned: WF totem. Pls Blizzard fix us, allow us to compete for the top dps too, forget the gore and give us something of real value, I still believe that SOD can change our reality. #NoGoreMoreShifts

Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

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Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

Plz change this.

lol, might as well ask a pig to fly :expressionless:

As a long time feral main I kinda welcome this rune. You can still powershift in raid…just now you might get some more TF here and there. Don’t get the hate other than just not wanting to watch if TF procs.

Pretty sure you’re not required to learn any runes, let alone use them.

Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

We have proof in the form of a tweet that Mr. Greenfield knows/knew about the mangle/lacerate issue for a while now… we have been IGNORED completely on this subject for 2 entire phases… this is unacceptable…

and now to top it off we get “Gore”… HOTDOG WATER for cats… albeit decent for bear if we can finally get lacerate and mangle at the same time… that we now know was apparently originally designed to happen.

what about the only bear bracer rune… yet again just changes an ability we already have slightly mind you this is better than skullbash but come on… instead of 100 healing tick on frenzied regen its now gonna tick for 350?.. how does that even compare to the other class’s options for bracer runes?? shamans and their lightning shield amazingness?.. pallies getting hammer of the righteous??.. what does the lowest damage tank get?? more healing on an ability really only used in PVP… DO BETTER.

they STILL have not announced any change to allow us to get mangle and lacerate at the same time… even with their new gore rune saying lacerate can reset the CD on mangle… this again just proves they are COMPLETELY unqualified for this job.



I’m typically a Blizzard shill, and I really do appreciate the buff to swipe, but gore is pretty lackluster

It’s not like ferals are melting face, making gore better wouldn’t hurt anything lol

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I’m sick of how blizzard is so god damn out of touch with design, they continue to piss on feral druids. I honestly am starting to believe they don’t understand the feel of feral at all, it’s so god damn obnoxious.

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Maully TBH i am more angry at the bracer rune options lmao but yea gore needs to be on a PPM off melee swings in cat not a flat 5% off an ability ur lucky to cast 30 times in a 1.5min fight

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Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

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I’ll be honest, my feral is parked at level 36 and I don’t really have much urge to play him. It’s crazy because I was always a die hard feral weirdo even back in classic. I haven’t really kept up much on feral/druid stuff so I don’t even know what the bracer rune is lol

So I’m likely pretty out of touch, but what made me step away from my druid and pick up a pally for the first time is:

(1) didn’t enjoy feral PvP and I want to do more than be a WSG flag runner. Then again, I’ll admit I have a serious skill issue in PvP

(2) didn’t enjoy just using combo points to keep roar up. Just felt tedious to me.

(3) bear tanking sucked before the swipe buff. New swipe is nice, but I’ve been bear tanking for the past 5 years and wanted something new.

(4) A good shred is nice, but it still doesn’t compare to critting a big fat exorcism in someone’s face

(5) pally itemization just seems cooler to me, and I get to see my gear

(6) my local internet service provider has been sucking lately and I’ve been hitting random lag spikes. Trying to keep up a proper powershifting rotation under those conditions just blows. Feral DPS, if you want to actually perform well, has always been very touchy

SO OH YEAH, buff ferals and also make them more fun somehow. I don’t have any bright ideas.


Real Druids don’t want to powershift they want mechanics that will keep them in their proper form.

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Please? 10char

you forgot the…
