Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

Of course. I find it hard to believe they’d ever add an ability that was a DPS loss (although it has happened).

The question here is: is it a particularly enjoyable DPS boost? It’s already pretty weak, so the power factor isn’t there. It’s passive, so you don’t change your bear rotation. It’s a relatively low proc chance. Is this what we want to use when there are so many other interesting options from prior/future (weird I know…) Expansions? Iron Fur, Thrash, etc…

I just think all around this was a disappointment for Bear, and honestly kind of a slap in the face for Cat.

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Lets compare to what Shamans get:

Dealing damage with your melee weapons increases your Attack Power by 100% of your Intellect, and your spell damage and healing by 30% of your total Attack Power for 1 min.

Something that will be active basically always, and is quite a hefty increase, that will also scale with them. Gore is trash.


thank you!!!

For bears its not really bad.

Cats are a meme, simple as unfortunately.

I was expecting a rip duration increase as a flat buff to feral, not as a rune choice lmao.


Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.


Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative. pls!

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Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

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Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.

Conversar em @Miau

Although I can see it from the perspective of “its good for me so w/e” but…

You get the idea.

This isnt leaving top 5.

Gore sux Micractiblizz, get your head on straight and fix it.


What about crowd pummeler. Do I have to farm this now for p3? never dropped :slight_smile:

MCP is probably meta up until the new raid and more than likely a base requirement item for ferals at all times for swap usage.

Also, #Goresux

Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.


Gore is a terrible rune, providing only a marginal DPS increase for a spec that is already subpar on terms of damage.

I wouldn’t mind being at the bottom if Feral felt more enjoyable to play; however, this rune doesn’t address either gameplay issues or performance issues

It’s disheartening to see other classes receiving exciting stuff that enhances their gameplay, while feral only gets a 5% chance to reset the cooldown of a spell, which is negated if you shift out of cat form btw.

Gore no goot, make gooter

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