Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

I’m extending my rip for 2 seconds and there’s nothing you can do about it!

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You did call it. I guess I have to be happy with my Glyph of Shred now since I said I would be ; )

Can’t believe these are our bracer runes.

That might not even be a 1% dps increase.

Agreed, Gore is a terrible rune. Please do something else.

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I don’t want to power shift at all. I’d rather have a rune that buffs energy recovery by 100-150%.

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Adding gore in with Savage Roar this might just be the worst iteration of Feral Cat in WoW history. Sure if this was the state of feral in Vanilla it would be decent but in SoD? Its abysmal.

Its like an “greatest” hits of bad mechanics and abilities from various expansions.

It’s pretty interesting to see bear druids celebrating Aggrend for acknowledging that Lacerate/Mangle sharing a rune slot is “an oversight” that they have known about since P1 and did not fix. That’s what feral is to these devs, an oversight. Completely overlooked and ignored.


Have to concur. This is such a terribly designed rune. Not every rune is going be amazing we get that but when you look at (1) runes other classes are getting next phase and (2) what this does to feral gameplay, it’s really bad.


yeah being able to shift non stop would be game breaking for PvP which since this version of WoW doesn’t use different modifiers for different gameplay (PvE vs PvP) you’re not getting any buffs to powershifting. ever.

Functionally what you want and what the power shift people want is essentially the same thing. The ability to press more buttons more often. You just don’t care for the middle man of using mana to gain the energy. I get that.
Like I said in my edit of the original post, I don’t really want to discuss the merits of powershifting over some other method. I’d prefer to focus on why or why not we think Gore in it’s current state is unenjoyable.

If you’re looking for something clunky Era is perfect for you.

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powershifting is a red herring :expressionless: the point is, runes with some dumb 5% proc is bad design.

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That’s a fair opinion.

But let’s both try to bring it back around to Gore and why it is or is not going to be enjoyable.

Gore is there so cats can get mad.

By and far this was added for bears.

Cat dps is an afterthought, just like it used to be :confused:

ummm bears… bracer rune… like… are u kidding?

look at every other class… pallies get hammer of the righteous… shamans get stupid good lightning shield runes…

You know what bears get? lmao what a joke.

lol they’re just making that up to save face. it was an intentional decision :expressionless:

I think you’re correct, especially since the original Gore was a Legion tanking ability. The added on Cat “bonus” feels half-baked, hence the post.

I would like say to that I don’t particularly fancy this for Bear either. Mostly because, while it sounds good on paper, in practice I find it difficult to find a use for it.

If you’re on trash in swipe spam mode, you already have enough rage to continue to swipe and maul spam. Or at least I currently do in Gnomer. Maybe others are different. So this rune does very little in terms of rage spent into damage in that situation.

For ST bosses, you really need to run Mangle to get the full benefit. Running Lacerate boils this down to some extra rage. Maybe that’s more Mauls if you’re rage starved for some reason.

What I find off about this rage proc is that you have to spend rage to get rage. Autos don’t proc it. Seems self-defeating, no? I need rage most when I don’t have it, not when I do.

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where did u hear/see him acknowledge that?

At best its a dps boost, which isnt a bad thing in this meta

He tweeted it. It’s on his replies or pinned on the bear discord.

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