Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

To me powershifting has always been a gimmick, one I quickly grew tired of in classic WoW. Why are people so focused on getting us to do more powershifts? the goal should be for us to be doing less powershifts that way we aren’t stuck with a level 40 helm at level 60 again.

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ego… the root of all problems

powershifting is actually cool when you have the threat of going OoM but with 30 second boss fights it is such a snorefest and just feels stupid

Powershift is the worst mechanic in the game and why I will be Resto until Feral gets to function as Feral without relying on a boring gimmick.

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No powershifting feral is basically the same as a rogue. if youre looking for smoother mechanics wrath/cata feral is perfect for you. powershifting feral is a unique and fun gamestyle if you can get used to it. Think of it the same way locks lifetap - using an ability to convert health into mana. ferals can use an ability to convert mana into energy


Unique sure, fun was subjective.

This is an amazing way to explain it lol.

if is doing a lot of heavy lifting there - and if I wanted a frustratingly complex version of feral to play, I’d be back in Retail.

I think the point of having both is so that you can use the rune while using either mangle or lacerate… not that you have to use both to proc it…

I do agree that the RNG aspect of the rune is disappointing though.

you laughed at me, and look at us now, 6 seconds of rip as i said lol.

Did you even really read the rune, it state: Striking a target with Lacerate, Swipe, or Maul has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle (Bear)

You need to use mangle for this rune to have a purpose.

W Engrave Bracers - Elune’s Fires Engrave your bracers with the Elune’s Fires rune:

Some of your spells and abilities extend the duration of your damage and healing over time effects on their target:
Starfire extends Moonfire by 6 sec.
Wrath extends Sunfire by 3 sec.
Regrowth extends Rejuvenation by 6 sec.
Shred extends Rip by 2 sec.
Each effect can only be extended up to 3 times.

This beauty was just datamined. 6 seconds on rip for a rune!

Exactly and I don’t have a problem with ferals that ignore powershifts and enjoy the mono-cat playstyle, my problem is when they try to advocate for their playstyle to be the dominant one which gets us runes like these and make powershifting obsolete.

What I love about feral and hunter is that the skill floor is really low so anyone can play it and enjoy it but the skill ceiling is extremely high for those who wanna take the class to the limit with power shifting and melee weaving so seeing these mechanics go away in favor for removing “jank” like they did for Wrath then Cata then eventually Retail makes me sad.

How hard is it to just steal rune ideas from other classes

Here’s the rogue one. There’s no cap on it like there is for rip.

How about give us the same on for Savage roar.

Engrave your bracers with the Cut to the Chase rune:

Your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities refresh either your Slice and Dice or your Blade Dance duration to its 5 combo point maximum. If both are active, only the one with shortest remaining duration will be refreshed.

How is it fair or fun when other runes look like this

And ours gives 6 seconds on rip. Idk if I’d even spend a talent point on that or gore let alone a rune slot.

tbh thinking about just not being a Feral at this point. We’re getting such underwhelming stuff at this point there’s just no reason to stick around.

Like many in here I echo the sentiments about not wanting Gore as a Rune.

I enjoy performing to the maximum potential of my class and parsing against my peers. It would feel very bad to be out-performed by someone because of pure luck.

Please do not implement Gore in it’s current capacity.


Horrible L take, every spec has crit, are they all RNG specs? Tigers Fury is not “a hefty dps cooldown” like you seem to think, it gives you less damage than your maintenance buff.

This is valid criticism. I tried to not use plurality and I still failed. I will correct it. Thank You.


I’m fine with having an alternative play style that’s within 1-2% of power shifting in terms of dps that’s available for people who don’t want to do it.


This rune, as well as gore just feels like Blizz wants ferals to suffer, how is adding more time to rip even being considered after that horrendous buff earlier in p2 was received, I can’t think of any other class with as many useless to throughput runes as feral druid. Meanwhile a shaman gets a rune that gives 10% melee and spell hit and 50% offhand damage all baked into one.


Is this where blizzard tells us we don’t know what we want again? Nobody wants this rune.