Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you


Personally not a huge fan of powershifting. If I’m playing my feral cat I want to be in cat form doing damage, not shifting in and out of cat form to game energy regen ticks.

That said, I think Gore is a terrible rune, and I’d much rather have something more interesting like a rune to increase energy regen rates after landing CP Spenders and remove the need for powershifting at all.


Not a boomkin telling Ferals how to play. Please stop. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Oh, no! The girls are fightingggg


If we are being honest, powershifting feels like I’m exploiting lol. I know that it’s not, so please save your lines of anger for Gore. But It feels like I’m using macros, talents, and gear to circumnavigate certain in-game restrictions.

Strictly speaking it is kind of an exploit, but not all exploits are bad for the game. Some of them are cool, interesting, or fun ideas the players came up with to make marginal improvements to a character. Powershifting isn’t harmful to the game strictly speaking and is definitely cool, but it’s also never something Blizzard has wanted to overtly support because it’s not a thing they want to feel is required to play the class. That puts it in a tricky spot, which is why eventually it was essentially removed.

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I agree it has that vibe. It feels like it was unintentional. However, I can’t make sense of this iteration of Gore and, between the two, I’d prefer Feral Druids had the powershifting playstyle over how P3 Feral is looking. To be clear though, I play Balance and OS Resto.

I’d trade both for some AoE.

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yeah what they’re doing really is so dumb :expressionless: handing out future expansion abilities but with no idea why these new abilities were even made, thus leaving out important buffs that are needed to make these new abilities good. it’s all so bad and lazy.

Im impressed with how many people here dislike powershifting… You guys know you can play Wrath/Cata/Retail right?

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ah yes you’re not allowed to want SoD without powershifting.

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Pretty sure like 4% of Vanilla players played Feral. It wasn’t overly popular.

Can’t find that stat, but I remember a Dev saying it at one point. I did find this though, https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/classic-wow-realm-population-report-data-aggregated-through-community-295075#class-distribution

Druids have always been a high-skill cap but low-reward class in Classic. You had to put in a ton of work to be as successful as an auto-attacking warrior pressing keys at random. You could be more successful with another class doing half the work. TBC is when druids REALLY picked up.

Well I assume people play classic feral to play classic feral not the retail version.

Yeah I would expect bad reception to powershifting feral in old 07 classic wow forums not on the current ones when the “popularity” for the class has increased by like 700x over the years.

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Gore Rune just aint it. It has unforseen deminishing returns in its innate design.

If Gore procs in the 10-20 second window, sure it feels decent, otherwise it just feels wasted, and doesn’t feel rewarding at all.

2 Solutions; scrap the cat poriton of the rune, or redesign.
→ Change to a powershifting style rune
→ Make it so its auto attacks, no Shred/Mangle
→ Make it so if Gore procs, it triggers Tigers Fury Cooldown but does not incur it, similar to Lock & Load. That way if it procs when TF is at 7s on CD it doesn’t feel wasted.

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Retail feral is a monstrosity spec that is not fun at all.
Classic is relatively chill, as long as you ignore the jank of powershifting - which is why I play feral druid here and enjoy it.

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So much of what made Feral even sort of work in classic era is doing the extra work to squeeze every little bit out of the class that you could. Powershifting and farming maces arose from that need. Again, I don’t think the design was that druids would wear a level 40 helm literally forever. This playstyle was created by clever players looking to get extra mileage out of a class that was supposed to break down on the side of Route 66 25 miles from a Jiffy Lube. And that is very cool.

It’s not to say that I don’t like powershifting, I just think that if the spec were better-designed, it probably wouldn’t be a DPS gain, lol. It doesn’t exist because of intentional design choices, it exists because of clever players creatively using game mechanics. That’s an extremely tough thing to design around and balance.

Completely agree. And that’s why i support that Devs are not leaning into supporting that playstyle at all. I would prefer, instead, that they find ways to make it unnecessary in ways that are fun.

Nobody is forcing you to play.

100% right, can the DEVS please just join the druid discord and take a few mins to look over what people want, and what will work… So many people put their time into theory crafting etc… so much good info and helpful folks. I promise with just 5 mins of your time you will know exactly what cat druids want… don’t do this to us… the only reason I can kept playing cat is because I am alliance… if i was horde with how broken shammys are etc Id have to quit or reroll…


as a feral druid main I want nothing from that discord