Druid or paladin?

Except p1-4 were as feral, which is stupid easy to parse high in. Fact is they have low healing parses, which is what is being argued. Secondly, I’m not the one who started the log scratching.

If you’re guild is doing things right and not messing up a lot then yeah the healing parses should be low you don’t heal do you? To parse high as a healer pretty much means your guild has to be playing poorly or do shady things like healing hunter pets.

Also yes you were the one digging in the meters the person looking at other peoples logs was you when you decided to throw out a quip about their parse.

Look familiar?

Parse for healing isnt a good measure tbh. There’s alot of healing padding. Not only that, not every heal is “worth the same”. A 900 HP heal when a tank is at 10% is more valuable than a 900 HP heal when tank is at 90%. And good performing raids healers should have low parses since the fight shouldnt last long.
Then there’s the fact that healing is more of a team effort. Heals are assigned to particular targets sometimes.
Also, trying to parse on heals can hurt the team. If you’re too busy trying to snipe heals, your team member’s mana just got wasted on an over heal.

Healing parses should be taken with an even bigger grain of salt than DPS parses.

I’m really wondering if you even read the comments here. Raut literally pulled up like 3 separate guilds, called their healers trash etc.

Fact remains, if you want to talk down on a spec, you should at least be performing well at that spec, which he’s not. I literally never look at parses, I don’t worry about that stuff, but when someone else sees the need to do it, I get curious and look at their own performance. In this case, there is no evidence that he is a good healer, or that his opinion should carry any weight.

Additionally, healing parses wouldn’t matter if as you’re saying, the group is good. With that being said, if you’re green parsing in a raid with people who are purple parsing, then you’re just grasping at straws using that argument. Also, yes, I mained a Resto Druid for all of phase 1-4. I just switched from alliance to Horde and am making this my new main.

No, an individual’s own performance doeesnt necessarily mean they’re wrong. A coach cant actually play the game, but they players listen to the coach for a good reason.

Fact of the matter is that there’s a reason why the meta is as it is. That should be evidence or least make you wonder why that is…

Lol I’m pretty sure heal parsing isn’t really comparable to expecting a 45 year old man to play football at the same level as 20-somethings.

paladin is good, i hear druid gets buffed in tbc though

What? that wasnt the point at all?

What I was trying to say that a person’s OWN performance doesnt necessarily mean they’re wrong. They themselves can be 100% correct but may not be able to perform to that standard too for whatever reason

Okay man…

Oh, really?

I don’t dispute you know what you’re talking about, but you’ve completely shifted the goalposts of this thread. The fact that so many people have posted against you with their own experiences proves that guilds do not only need one druid, as you have suggested.

Don’t project your own opinions on raid build optimization as the consensus across all guilds and servers, especially in a thread where somebody is seeking input on which class to roll. It comes off as disingenuous and obnoxious - especially when you start digging up other players’ raid logs to prove your superiority.

I love leveling as a druid. I can kill mobs as a stealthy cat, a tanks bear, or do ranged spell damage. Depending on how I feel like playing, I choose between them. (Idgaf about optimized min/max effeciency and effectiveness).

I tried to level a paladin but was miserable and quit by 20.

For end game, they both have their pros and cons so why not choose the class which is fun to play during the journey as well? For me, it’s druid.

I think the biggest reasons I love a paladin most is their judgement of justice to prevent mobs from running away and aggroing more mobs, and cleanse to get rid of any debuff except curses. If the curse is really bad I can bubble out of it.

Also being able to change your auras, blessings, and seals to fit the situation is great.

The only thing to me that I like more on druids is being able to stealth in kitty, and swim in sea lion.

As a word of Paladinny advice, grab Consecration, then go down Protection so you can AoE grind. I love to have mine as 20/31/0, but your mileage may vary.

Paladin AoE grinding isn’t as efficient as a Mage, but it certainly has advantages.

I don’t really play this character much. I rerolled to a Priest about half way through BWL. Any parses I have on this character now are last minute “we need a healer” runs in my guild’s third, mostly alt group.

As I’ve stated before,

If you look at the healing done, you’ll see I’m well above where I should be:

You’ll also note my mish-mash of random, terrible, unenchanted resto gear I acquired while raiding as Feral:

Even considering all that, my raid-wide parse is 65th percentile, which is above average.
And that doesn’t include the DPS I was doing when possible, where I parsed 91st percentile:

Ex-main, now an alt, yes.

Some bosses don’t require more than 1-2 healers, so I just DPS.

Whatever makes you feel better.

For what it’s worth, here’s my main:

Feel free to pick that apart.

Do you have any idea how healing works? LOL

The more healing one person does, the less healing there is for another person to do. I’ve argued consistently throughout this thread that Druid is the worst healer because the entirety of their healing toolkit requires far more time to do the same healing than a Paladin or Priest requires. What do you suppose will happen to a Druid’s healing when Paladins and Priests are using almost exclusively Flash of Light and Flash Heal respectively?

The fact people have brought more than one Druid does not at all do anything to refute the fact that the Druids extra to the first bring far greater diminished value.

Due to the many reasons I’ve already stated, Druid’s primary value is in their buff and debuff. Another past that will not improve the uptime on either. The only benefit of another Druid is more healing, which you would acquire more of by bringing a Paladin or Druid.

These are not opinions. These are facts.

In a thread where someone is seeking input on which class to roll, perhaps the objective data regarding which class is the better healer is valuable?

Yeah, that was definitely not the point of that. Don’t be so defensive. I’m just trying to point out that the perspective of people saying Druid is good is a bit skewed because they aren’t playing optimally and their other healers are weak.

I mean I’ve already stated this is a brand new 60. I’m wearing blue AH weapons and don’t bother with world buffs. The difference between you and I is I’m not in here knocking Rogues whole pulling gray parses. That would just look silly.

And I’m not saying it to make myself feel better. I mained a Resto Druid for p1-4 but for a brief period I tried feral and was using a mush-mash set of blues I’d picked up while leveling. Zero world buffs, zero consumables, bad gear, and I still pulled a low purple parse. Orange parsing after playing that spec for the entirety of classic isn’t that impressive. The sample pool is way too small.

If you have to ask…you don’t need to be either, especially if you plan to do anything but heal. This includes open world questing/grinding.

Just make another Warrior, unless you’re not scared of putting in the hours necessary to do the job of being a Druid or Paladin outside of instance healing.

I got top healing one time as boomie spec and im consistently in top 3 in my raid team as healer.

In before “your guild sucks, your healers suck, Druids suck”

With a ZG trinket, Resto Druids can heal very competitively, he just refuses to see it

Not only that but people seem to under estimate the efficiency of rank 2 and rank 3 healing touch.

ESPECIALLY with a ZG trinket. It’s asinine to claim otherwise.