Druid or paladin?

Gonna roll my first alliance character and I’ve been trying to choose between those 2 classes

Paladin. Druid is useless beyond Gift of the Wild and Faerie Fire.


Can’t wait to try some alliance zones. I love the horde but Paladins are super rad

I hear Paladins are fun once you get to max level, but they are really kind of a chore to level (I got bored of leveling mine around level 20 and started a different alt). Druids are a lot more fun to level and they aren’t useless as someone posted above. Both feral and resto druids are sought after.

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It’s a chore to level every class. That’s why boosts exist.

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I know Druid arrant useless. I actively raid on my undead mage and some of our nest raiders are Druid’s

I don’t think that’s true at all. I have a level 60 mage, rogue and shammy and I enjoyed leveling all of them. Paladin is the only class I’ve played where I was like God, this really sucks to level. However, I haven’t tried a warrior, I hear it’s like that for a warrior too.

Don’t know I’m gonna boost or not. I’ll prob get to level 30 normally and see how I feel. Then if I’m having fun I’ll level the other 30 or just boost to 50. But since this is a fresh character on a new server I gotta level normally

They definitely are.

You can’t use your HoTs because of the buff cap. Same thing for Thorns.
Your primary heal has a much slower cast time than other healers on Alliance.
Your DPS is lower than a Priest’s using Smite.
Your AoE is weaker than a Priest’s using Holy Nova.
Your utility is much weaker than a Paladin’s or Priest’s, limited to a 30m cooldown combat rez (useless if no one dies), an Innervate (that you should be using on a better healer because it’s wasted on yourself), and NS + HT every 3m.

Sorry, they’re just objectively the worst healers in vanilla. /shrug

They can still be helpful, I’ve met damn good druids. Total bro. Wouldn’t leave them

Paladins are horribly boring to most people but stronger.

Druids are more interesting to play but weaker.

I’d say go druid because more than half of the people I know who played paladin either quit or swapped their mains.

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Also, drood. Duh!

/moo :cow:

Of course. They bring an essential buff/debuff. You have to bring one. But any more than that is a wasted raid slot.

That sounds like a good reason to go Paladin. Lots of empty raid slots waiting to be filled. There’s only room for one, maybe TWO Druids, but every group needs 4-5 Paladins.

Also just because is objectively better doesn’t mean squat. All about experience. Just because you choose to be a priest doesn’t mean your going to be a good healer. Or vis versa. All about experience bby

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Dwarf Paladin

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If it’s your first alliance character, make a paladin.

Go all in. You can make a horde druid, but not a horde paladin.

Also, recommend dwarf.

If you suck, it doesn’t matter what class you pick. However, if you care about being useful and having an easier time getting into groups, go Paladin. There’s more raid slots, there’s more gear available to you, your throughput is higher, your utility is better, having more than one isn’t a waste…

Nah. My guild does fine. Guess it’s on a case case thing

You haven’t even cleared AQ40. Are you sure?

Edit: I know your guild has, but I think maybe your judgement is a bit skewed because you’re not in the group actually clearing the content. (That or you haven’t been in any groups that logged it)

What are you talking about. We’ve been clearing aq 40 for a while now. I’ve been in team battery cleaning content including aq40