Druid or paladin?


i feel bad for any priest or druid who is still told “HoTs are banned” as this is reflective of an obvious lack of understanding or effort to min max your group’s buff slots.

1 druid who can use 1 hot on everyone is an objectively solid healer.

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Paladin, it’s more durable and does more damage then the Druid.

Well so far everything I’ve said has, according to you, been absolutely and categorically wrong (it hasn’t).

So I guess I’m just a big dumb dumb and you’re just a big brain smarty pants :man_shrugging:

Maybe I’ll just delete my druid and re-roll.

Healing parses seem pretty worthless to me especially considering how the content is.

Most fights are laughably easy for healing and the main thing that shines through is that druids are much worse at sniping heals than other classes. The difference in these fights between bringing a paladin/priest versus a druid is that people sit at 80% health for a second longer before being topped off. Almost never does that extra second add any extra risk of the player dying.

They’re definitely not the best in throughput (although iirc regrowth spec has really solid throughput) and not the best efficiency, but with how easy the content is there is really not much of a reason to consider them significantly less useful than other healers in any practical sense for raid heals. Of course this is assuming we are using an average guild and aren’t speed clearing or trying to cut down the healer team to make it as lean as possible.

In the melee heavy meta where almost every encounter is roughly a minute long or shorter and HPS is never the limiting factor in the group’s success, and the damage taken is generally bursty and lethal to anyone not topped off quickly, optimizing your buff slots means saving room for anything that’s going to prevent a one shot (PW:S, health increases, etc) rather than HoTs, and otherwise prioritizing DPS increases.

I don’t think whatever you gain by allowing the Druid to primarily heal through HoTs is going to be worth whatever buff you took off to make room for it.

For all the same reasons Priests should be helping to DPS on some encounters, so too should the Druid. Given how much people just let your Druid’s Regrowth tick, he could’ve easily done the same healing with Healing Touch for far less mana and helped DPS more.

Like, yeah… letting your Druid use HoTs and just not healing is going to make Druid look good. ???

No need. Just accept your lot in life and stop deluding yourself, is all. Druid is useful, but you only need one. Beyond that, you’re better off just bringing a different class healer.

With the way healing works (being a limited resource that only diminishes in quantity the better your group performs), healing parses are definitely worthless, or at the very least worth less. The ideal is to minimize the amount of healing you need to do (and healers that need to be healing) so you can maximize DPS.

The majority of deaths I’ve seen in AQ40 average less than 3 seconds from 100% to death. Given the average human reaction speed, I think the extra second makes a big difference.

Granted, Druids have NS + HT, but only every 3m. So basically every 3 minutes Druids can do what Paladins and Priest do consistently throughout the encounter.

I really wish people would stop saying this. That build is SO bad. Healing Touch is higher HPS than Regrowth unless you can maintain the HoT on 5+ targets with ZERO overhealing. If you’re able to maintain the HoT on 5+ targets with ZERO overhealing, you’re better off using Rejuvenation.

The only benefit of the Regrowth build is trying to reduce your cast speed to better fit into the heal sniping meta, at which point you might as well just play a Paladin or Priest. If healers in your group are sniping heals, you’re much better off just downranking Healing Touch to heal minor damage with incredibly high HPM and top people off in between DPSing and maintaining Faerie Fire. If they aren’t sniping heals, you’ll generally get more HPS out of Healing Touch than Regrowth, and any situation where Regrowth would be more HPS than Healing Touch, Rejuvenation would be even better.

This is especially the case now that the Idol of Health is out, and the only alternative is Idol of Rejuvenation.

Hi. Ive been following this thread and I think Ratak whats-his-face really has some good insights on the game.
Remeber, we dont know much about you as a player so its very hard to help you decide on what class you should play. Without know you or your playstyle, we have to assume you’re the average wow player.
The average player does care about performance and the demand for their class. Who doesnt want to find groups super easy?

Paladins are definately better in most cases i guess. Druids are definately better tanks 100%. They bring competitive DPS if you prepare properly (ie. farm a billion MCPs).
But this is only if you’re interested at end game content.

If you’re way more casual *ie 5 man dungeons then maybe druids? You can kind of do all roles i guess. but im not sure how many 5 mans are ran and how much content you can really do tbh

Another unique thing about druid is WSG. If you like running flag then you might also enjoy druid. I dont think many ppl like to tbh…flag running doesnt seem fun.
But even in PVP, paladins are generally better.

Another bad thing about druids is nobody sees your armor unless your a healer. Legit all druids look the same when theyre in combat. I know this does sound stupid, but people do care alot about how their character looks

I laughed.

One or two, actually. A resto and a feral.

There’s no particular reason to bring both. They provide the same things while filling a different role.

That said, I’d bring a Feral over a Resto any day of the week. Well… a good Feral, anyway, which are hard to come by.

My guild has benefitted from having 2-3 b-rezzes.

Well he’s not that min/maxxy considering he’s got blue parses in AQ/BWL and green parses in MC. I wouldn’t take him that seriously.

I’m sorry to hear that. lol

You looking at the right person?

I don’t really have a dog in this fight.

I haven’t been following all this derailing that’s been going on :stuck_out_tongue:

We can take down C’thun. We have benefitted from having more than one b-rez.

That’s good enough.

Paladin. This is not up to debate.

It all depends on what you want to do. If you want to heal, definitely play a paladin.

If you want to do anything else play a druid. Druids are much better DPS than ret paladins, and can tank extremely effectively as well.

We have the best looking set in the game the answer is obvious.

On a serious note you will have a much easier time finding a spot in a raiding guild as a pally because as people have said druids just aren’t as good due to the buff cap. I see druids who have high healing on meters, but then you usually see they innervate themselves and heal hunter pets to pad their meters when they think nobody is looking.

Those are p1 and p2 parses. I’m looking at your current parses.

They also included p3 and p4 it sounds like you’re desperate to try and criticize their performance. Looking at them it seems they have one raid on record and judging from the fact that ouro and viscidus isn’t killed I’m assuming this was a first attempt.

It’s funny how that person has a very good average for like a year then you try to poke at one raid while playing on what I can only assume is an alt. Rauts parse gets really weird in p5 though it also has a bwl but then it doesn’t go past chromaggius? It also shows what I think was a moonkin icon if I didn’t know any better I would have said they respecced.

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that :stuck_out_tongue:

Had a look at the phase 5 log and I’m so confused by it. There is a bwl thats recorded but doesn’t go past chromaggius please tell me that didn’t actually stop them.