Tends to be a common theme among people posting on the forums.
While my current phase parses on this character aren’t great, I at least have a history of insanely good parses to prove my competence.
And I’m not saying it to make myself feel better. I mained a Resto Druid for p1-4 but for a brief period I tried feral and was using a mush-mash set of blues I’d picked up while leveling. Zero world buffs, zero consumables, bad gear, and I still pulled a low purple parse.
Cool. How fast did your guild clear the content and what was its execution parse? Probably pretty poor?
Also, was that just on bosses, or did you look at trash, as well?
I’m a little past orange parsing if you didn’t notice. I was 99 across the board, with 100th percentile a couple times.
Your other healers are really bad, then.
WCoN is great, but it’s a 3m CD. Even using it on CD, it’s only 8.33% uptime. So 8.33% of the time you’re a decent healer. Neat .
Nah, I already said that’s what Resto Druid shouldf be doing:
Lol called it. Just feeding the troll at this point.
Also, a long history of bear tank parses is once again, unimpressive.
Whatever makes you feel better, bud.
Aww dont make him feel bad hes just trying to up his forum posts numbers for the forum parse gods and then he can really start flexing at us
Both druids and paladins are garbage… roll priest
roll priest
Here’s the correct answer. That’s what I did. lol
It only counts as a Night Elf SPriest stacking +Arcane. Those Starshards, LOL.
depends, do you want to stand in the back wearing a dress and heal the main tank or stand in the back wearing a dress and innervate the priest who would then heal the main tank?
Depends if the majority of the playtime is going to be spent on.
I’m just gonna play paladin. Christ this went to far