Druid or paladin?

:rofl: :joy:

Definitely not. They might outheal BAD healers of other classes, but not good ones.

Here’s the HPS breakdown:

Current number one guild:

Number two:

The vast majority of players are doing so. Not sure what to tell ya.
Here’s the number of parses with world buffs:

Here’s without:

Yeah, I’m sure those are representative of most players.

Even if you’re not min/maxing, they’re just generally the worse choice. Paladin is a very straightfoward class to heal with, having the highest HPM healing in the game while remaining competitive in throughput. Their DPS spec provides more utility than Druids’ DPS specs.

Of course a Druid is always wanted and needed, but more than one doesn’t provide much benefit beyond what the first is already bringing.

To bring into perspective the quality of players you’re referencing when arguing that Druid is good.

Dude no ones going to respect your opinion. The moment you tried to pull up guilds and tell us our members sucks. Like seriously, let’s people think Druid is good. They are. They have there purpose and they do it well. Next time, don’t try to be a dick about the whole situation. Like I’ don’t know don’t call our mates trash

Warriors can at least press more buttons. Paladin leveling is super boring and it doesn’t get any better.

It’s not opinion. It’s fact. That’s why I have the data to back it up. That’s the point of the screenshots I’ve been sharing.

On the contrary. Look at the top 100 healers in AQ.


There are 5 druids, which isn’t that bad when you consider no one runs more than a single resto druid in a raid.

It’s difficult to top heals as a druid, but far from impossible. It’s a challenge and that’s why it’s a better class in my opinion.

Top healing parses are worthless, because higher healing required is indicative of a bad group that is taking too much damage and taking too long to kill the bosses.

There’s a reason the top guilds have healers with really bad parses.

Also, consider this:

4,410,870 healer parses.
Druids are 18% of the healing parses, yet only 5% of the top 100. They’re definitely underrepresented. Even if you wanted to use top healing parses as an indicator, the data only proves me correct.

You won’t be topping heals unless every other healer in the group is bad. That’s just the way it is. Sorry.

Third time you’ve resorted to personal insults. I’ll be ignoring you and your trolling now.

I’m sure you’re making OP’s choice a lot easier. If he rolls paladin, he gets the opportunity to play in guilds with elitist min-max tools like you, who go around insulting other people’s progression because you care more about optimisation than fun.


nice one lol

Yeah realized he’s a druid

I’m not going to disagree with you there, but that also means healing parses and overall healing metrics on warcraft logs are useless in general and require further analysis.


Wait you play a Druid? Maybe you should re roll to something else if your hating them this hard.

At a somewhat serious level, paladin is mostly locked in to just healing I believe. Paladin tanks aren’t viable at all and ret is very weak.

Druids also favor healers but not nearly as much. You can still be a great tank, or a valuable (feral) dps slot although you’re very unlikely to ever top the meters you can still do competitive dps if you put in enough (more) effort than the pure dps specs. Mastering powershifting is a must - no questions asked about that - and you also have to farm MCPs (and other consumables) if you want to take the spec to its full potential (this latter part is tedious as hell and the worst part about playing a cat - I personally don’t farm them as much as I could be but I still do good dps).

Moreover, both tank and dps feral druids (somewhat different specs) can easily change from one role to the other to some extent at any time. I’m a full feral dps. So yeah you have waaay more options playing a druid and the gameplay itself is a ton of fun regardless of your spec,

if you only care about healing then either is fine.

bonus points: feral cat is probably the most compex (and imo fun) rotation in classic.

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I’m not an elitist. I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word. I’m just sharing the data and the reasoning behind the choice I’m suggesting.

My reasoning is not limited to a min/maxing perspective, either. As I’ve stated:

Paladin is an easier class to play and better throughput, to boot. There is more room for them in raids than Druids. They’re useful beyond just having one. Their DPS spec, while abysmally bad, is better than Balance, and has better utility than Feral.

Also, as many others have stated, Paladin is unique to Alliance. If the OP intends to roll an Alliance character, they might as well play Paladin. If they intend to play Druid, there’s no reason not to just play one on Horde.

Optimization and fun are not mutually exclusive. Go level up, pup.

So you know I have firsthand experience in this.

I pointed out far more reasons that Druid was worse than Paladin than just healing parses. Please read:

Right. So anything that doesn’t fit your narrative is invalid. Got it.

Uh, no? I’m saying I gave WAY more than one reason for why Paladin is a better healer than Druid.

I’m just trying to have fun…can it just end there. Like seriously. I’m not looking to become the world first in a raid. The fastest clear or anything. Just want to play and enjoy myself

Then no one can tell you what to play except yourself, because what is fun is totally subjective.

So this thread is pointless.

Still didn’t answer my question why are you playing a Druid if you think they aren’t good

You coming to earth fury? Also do you plan on healing? Hybrid classes as you probably know really only excel at healing.
I would go warrior or rogue imo if you don’t have one but Paladin is supposed to be the best healer in vanilla and I guess it can work as a hybrid in pvp I’m not sure

That said I don’t know which is cooler for a fresh start. Pallies get their mount at 40 like locks but druids get travel form

I’m sure picking druid or Paladin will be fine. You’re just over exaggerating the min max situation to an extreme. If ur a min/maxer, ur probably going to run into more players with your mind set and play type. More so to believe that any other play style is obsolete.

But there plenty enough people playing without min/maxing