Are you trying to say that a Prot Pally can also tank 4-5 or more DPS and survive for what seems like an eternity? Experience would say otherwise.
You seem hell bent on defending this spec. Is it because you’re a druid and feel compelled to defend no matter what it is? I’ll admit I do the same when it comes to mages and potential nerfs or nerf talk.
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They can nerf druids once they delete greater pyro from the game
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Honestly, maybe I’m ignorant. I’ve never played a Druid. But I’ve seen one do 11million damage and 11million in heals with 0 deaths. And the whole time he was just doing what looked like a swipe and doing a heal over time…I know cause you can hear the animation.
That’s all he did. In bear form the whole time…he may have shifted out to root someone, throw another hot and get back into bear form…but that is the extent of it.
Edit, just Incase you are wondering he did do more damage and healed more then his whole team combined.
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Why would they delete it? It’s the one of the longest cast in the game and the most easily interrupted spells. Deleting isn’t the same as nerfing.
It would be as if Blizz eliminated autoshot for Hunters back int he day. Would have crippled your DPS since autoshot had the most damage
if you saw that damage in bgs it is the interaction between protector and brambles. It essentially puts the brambles dot up on all allies around the tank but also transfers a portion of the damage they take to the tank. The healing is also brambles being counted as a shielding effect and counts as healing (like disc priests). Yes they are the best tank atm but it isnt by an impossible margin. Next bg I do ill play guardian and try to remember to SS details to show just how much actually healing is being done. Brambles really pads the board.
If we are being realistic for nerfs the protector interaction needs to be broken because even reading them it doesnt state that it should work like it does and secondly guardian could use a 5% increase to the damage taken because of the high health but then you break every non mastery stacking build that doesnt attain that much health.
Ive seen it, just because you cant or havent seen it doesnt mean it isnt true to be fair Pally is the only other tank ive seen be able to pull off those shenanigans
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Damage is too high for use against anyone but a druid that has 700k hit points.
That’s true. I haven’t seen it which doesn’t automatically mean it doesn’t happen. I’m just using my experience running around with Heritic and fighting against druids in BGs and wPVP.
I’ve seen Prot Pally’s go down a hell of a lot easier than any guardian druid but that’s just what I’ve personally seen.
Were you using spell damage vs the guardian or physical? I truck guardians as a moonkin routinely and between hibernate and clone I have plenty of time to heal up the damage they do. Also brambles doesnt really affect me as a caster.
Fair enough, guardians mitigate the hell out of physical damage for sure (more so than pallies) but ive seen prot pallies do some insane things. Must be just more of a pain for me to fight them as a caster?
At best a prot pally can extend his death if enough people are trained on him. Between the bubbles and divine steed knocking back…things you have to spec for.
I mean I could hold my own usually placing top three in damage and heals if not doing any objectives or baby sitting a flag. But never been anywhere near 11million in heals and damage.
Again the heals and damage are pad from a broken talent interaction that I fully admit needs to be changed but as playing guardian a bit I can only extend death as well. Ill never do enough damage to 5 players to actually kill all 5 between the cc. At best id be able to get one of them low and at most ive only ever 2v1ed an extremely undergeared rogue and a terrible DH.
It varied from fight to fight. Sometimes its melee heavy and others it’s a good mix. Most BGs have a good mix. I’m usually only 1 of my healers though so I haven’t had much opportunity nuking one down on the mage. When I was they didn’t go down that fast or at all.
two undergeared opponents won’t last very long against me. I spend a lot of time in The open world too know this.
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See, ive fought guardians as boomy and as feral and as a feral they are uphill battles because of the physical mitigation but as boomy they drop in two incarn procs generally. Only one kick and one stun to even remotely stop me and one of which I can just trinket. As feral though im eating brambles damage plus going against the armor a guardian has (which only jumps to plate levels after the first ironfur).
Im all for nerfs but the main reason I defend guardian is because people point to the wrong things. Like i said they can increase their damage taken by 5% or so but then you bust the builds that actually shoot for damage over survive ( like I do). I can stack mastery all day and get 780k health easy but my damage drops to nothing. I sit around 640k with all buffs but my damage gets to a decent spot doing that. Also again and I cannot state this enough, the high numbers on the board are due to brambles being present on all party members 100% of the time passively because protectors interaction with it is broken and does not even state that it should work like that in the first place. If we are calling for nerfs it needs to be in the right places or all you do is dumpster another spec without fixing the underlying issues.
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Simple because health based percent abilitys don’t belong in the game also don’t act like its hard to get off if you interrupt it they can cast poly then recast it or ring of frost my friend gets 2 off all the time easy and in team fights Its even more dumb
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I agree but we’re talking Blizz and nerfs. They don’t know what sensible and nerf means
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Which is why I advocate for the right ones and the only reason I post so much in regards to it.
So eliminating it is the only way to deal with it? A bit extreme huh. Why not eliminate caos bolt since it can actually do more damage with a much shorter cast time?
I never said you can’t get it off but 1 isn’t going to kill anyone. If the mage is being focused it is a lot harder to get them off.
I’m sorry you have such a hard time with gpy. I have a hard time with caos bolts, hammer throw(the Pally’s throw), aim shot, moonfire spamming with it’s long debuff, the druids hots and ability to get out of every root…ect …ect …ect guess I’ll ask for them to be removed as well.
Hell just get rid of all damaging spells and lets rumble like the old days.
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go for it remove them if you want if it removes greater pyro that’s fine health based abiltiys do not belong in the game
So why not ask for baseline damage instead of a percentage? Asking for it to be completely removed is asinine.
If they are willing to change the honor talent then by all means it can stay if they nerfed lasso and sniper shot then they should with greater as well