You’re not asking for a nerf though. You’re asking for it to be completely removed…period. That’s not cool.
Its funny because in another thread there was like 5-6 people offering ideas and mage mains liked it the way it was. so yeah at this point I do
I have witnessed the same. I wonder what the tool tip for that hot the Druid has says. I’d bet it does at least 6k per tick…with a very short cd.
You need a good old school debuff, back in the day when the druid came out of bear form to heal, you pop him with a silence then he went down.
His claim to fame was fighting 5 people for several moments.
Unless he stopped and ran or did something besides make a whole team of people decide hey this games not for me unless I am a Druid he/she died.
Whats all this complicated discussion about ???
Simple stuff man oped Druid, make a interrupt or debuff that takes him/her out of that form …
I don’t base my opinions off of others especially those that play the class as their main. Just because they don’t want it changed doesn’t mean it should be removed. Nerf is much different than removal.
Because that is wrong on so many levels. No class in the game has an ability to solely defeat one specific class.
Alright I still stand by my statement not like they will do anything this expansion anyway maybe next 1
No, but they can help with the defeat by providing a debuff that opens the person up for damage.
Your logic is correct, what you need instead is tools… in many cases the tools themselves to defeat some of these powerful toons do not exist.
Depends on spec and traits. If you mangle before with guardian talent it increases the healing some. If you have gore azerite trait you can proc mangles at a decent rate which means you can mangle wait for a gore proc frenzied and then gore again to extend the regen by another second with the corresponding azerite trait that extends it.
The trait for gore also increases mastery which increases max health which increases the heal some. Having all those line up everytime is unrealistic but can happen. Even with all those things having to proc correctly and at the right times and being able to pull it off without a cc stopping it the guardian will still only heal for about the same as a fury warrior.
Sorry for the long rundown but too many people think it is as simple as pressing one button and healing a bunch. To get the big heals you need to manage a bunch of buffs and procs to maximize it and rarely will you get all up and running at the correct times (the extending the regen only has a couple second window)
You can mitigate a fury warrior’s regen. You can’t stop a druids hot. I mean I’ve seen druids heal consistently…hot after hot.
My hand of protector can heal for 30k every 13 seconds…not exactly mind blowing.
That’s not much under an unbuffed frenzied regen. The Druid could have also been running the essence that heals a stacking amount the more people that are around him and also increases vers which increases healing or running flame essence and using it to heal when frenzied is on cd like I do. There is a ton of other abilities now that can heal for really good amounts that everyone can use as a tank.
Frenzied alone is a better version of deathstrike but alone it isn’t what you are seeing that is doing crazy heals. You compared your heal to druids heal but you also forget that a prot has more cc (baseline slow is a big one) than guardian and has a couple immunities. Can’t really compare kit by kit or we wouldn’t be different classes.
Need a good old school spell silence a snare wont help some debuff to the health regeneration or armor a big one …
The armor is only absurd if the iron fur trait procs. Otherwise it is slightly higher than plate armor after 2 stacks a which takes a full rage bar to get online. I won’t argue though that guardians can get really high armor if managing rage properly.
Heretic happen to be a prot paladin so discussing how well they tank players here might not help his argument
As I said, ive seen it done. I also happen to play a lot of guardian in wpvp, used to run it in rated, and still play it in bgs once in a while.
DH with 600k+health and some of those pve trinkets pretty darn hard to kill also haha
Yeah but they are a heavy self heal tank as well. They get trucked pretty hard but can heal a lot.
Guardian druids healing for 2B is mindblowing, however.
I just did my last BG thanks Blizz, had druid case me spamming starsurge for 32k you can stuff it…
Ive been hit for 200k surges in the 120 bracket.