Druid 9.2 Cheetah form SUCKS

I miss the old cheetah rip,

the “HD” one should have been a new glyph,


Facial structure for the most part yes. But like I said it could just be wows stylization. I dont dislike the form makes me think of red14 from FF7 :3

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The biggest thing is… the tail. Its WAAAY to long and bushy. If they had made a small tail like the old one and kept it not have the bushy tail at the end, it would be alot better. The body and stuff is fine its just the tail. Not everything needs the BIG tail like they do for everything now. (Vulpine, lupine, orange cat mount. )

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nods sagely

The noblest of kitties.

I think the new version is adorable. I love it’s face and the necklace. Wish it was a bit thicker. The old model was so outdated and looked bad. However, for people that do like it, I hope they make a mark for it.

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As you can see, actual cheetahs don’t have tufts of fur, don’t have pointed ears, aren’t brown and, although you can’t see it in those pics, they don’t have a tuft of hair at the end of their tail. How hard would it be for a professional game designer to make a model that looks like an actual cheetah? Because the new model is a fail.


The old one has a better running animation and a smaller size is better that’s for sure.


Says the talking, bipedal fox.


I’m a Vulpera, not a fox. I’m not saying the model isn’t an improvement, per se, just that it is not a cheetah.


It’s much closer to a cheetah than the original model.


Not really :man_shrugging:

The new model looks more like a eurasian lynx.


I really wish they gave a lot more love to all. Meaning, a lot more options for everyone.

Focusing on druids though. I would love to be a toucan birb for flight form and a horse that someone can ride. So many amazing things they could do. I really hope one day they take a lot of time to give all class/races a lot more customizations.


I don’t know if the old or new cheetah is better, or even a cheetah, but find mildly amusing that if 9.2 had a million features there would a million threads to complain for every last one of them.

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People have extremely high expectations for the devs of WoW, and rightly so, but they seem to miss the mark 9 times out of 10 and there’s no excuse for it. We know they have the talent and the resources. The problem is they spend the majority of time on convoluted systems.

You think you want a cheetah but you really want a eurasian lynx :clown_face:


I wanna be a wombat too :triumph:


I agree on the excess of convoluted systems etc, though the players’ own convoluted min-max approach to EVERYTHING is an even worse problem.

But I am done with trying to critique WoW. The game is so undeservedly hated and bullied that I have decided to defend it. White knight? Yes. Shill? Yes. And nobody is paying me.

I know that it’s playing the Don Quijote, and haters will hate no matter what. But I think somebody has to play the Don Quijote role. These windmills are relentless. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Says the helf on Alliance, when people were told ‘if you want them they’re on the horde’ :wink:

To me, the new form looks off. Old form didn’t particularly look like a cheetah either, but you would think if they updated they would actually do so correctly or at least make the new model a high res version of the old one. They did neither.


I agree that people tend to be pretty harsh and I agree that Blizz does a good job a a lot of stuff and that’s why people continue to play this game. The imagination that went into creating Zereth Mortis is awesome. It is outside-the-box thinking that, imo, separates WoW from every other MMORPG. This isn’t limited to clichés. That’s a topic for another thread though. I feel like if Blizz wanted to create a cheetah, they could have created a cheetah. The new model isn’t bad (and actually looks better in-game with animation) but they should have not called it “cheetah” :laughing:


About actually DOING things. When you do anything, when the result is out obviously there always are a thousand ways it could be better. If the product is software, a million ways.
So, if constructive feedback is NECESSARY to have better things in future, saying “It should have been perfect at first! REALLY BLIZZ?” is useless and depends on the tone used it can border on hating.
Yes, it could have been perfect at first. With infinite time.
Another things I have noticed that we are in 2022 and almost nobody has the least idea of how developing software, let alone games, really works.

Now THIS is what I call constructive criticism. Good job!
Now I have to have a look at the darn cheetah/bobcat. :slight_smile: