Druid 9.2 Cheetah form SUCKS

Wouldn’t count on getting the old form back since other players might have the misfortune of seeing it.

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Looked. Imho neither the old nor the new version is really a real world cheetah. Both work as the slighly modified Azeroth species.
In short, is it a real cheetah? No.
Is it an Azeroth cheetah? Yes.
Are both old and new ones cool? Yes.
Should there be an option to choose? Yes.


Pls give me old cheetah. Ty. I liked it better and new one is killing my eyes.


I want the old one back as well, I have switched back the the stag in protest. This is an actual forced change, that no one was even asking for.

It’s not about which one looks better, it’s about not being given the choice. I paid for the old form because I liked it more than the stag we were forced into whenever. it’s the Classic travel form.

If this new form were added from a new glyph, inscription would get a boon from those that actually wanted this, and I would never buy it.

Please give us the choice.


I’m glad you don’t have a problem with me wanting the CHOICE.

However, I do have a problem with your dismissive attitude toward members of the community as a CC member. You like it, that’s fine. But in my opinion, it’s ugly as road kill and I for one don’t like it. And my opinion wouldn’t matter if I had been given the choice.

Please advocate giving the players a choice. That’s all I’m asking you as my representative.


Oh thanks! I was having a hard time remembering what the old one looked like, and I haven’t seen the new one. My Druid has mostly used the stag or the current Zandalari dino thingy.

Looking at them… I see what everyone is talking about. Neither is a cheetah. They are feline/cat like. Different aesthetics.

Personally, between the two “cheetahs”, I like the older one. Just because I am not a fan of the weird shaggy kitty look of the new one. But that’s just me. I can’t say one is better than the other, and I still prefer the stag or dinothing, anyway.


OP, no need to make a stink. Just voice your complaint in the Druid Class Order Hall /1 and Blizzard will schedule and immediate maintenance session mid-day on Saturday to revert. Hell they’ll probably make an “Old Cheetah” glyph.

The problem is the wide, dark stripe on the back. As one of my druid guildies pointed out, the new model looks AMAZING from the side. However, the angle the player using it is most often going to be seeing it from is the TOP. From the top, that wide, dark stripe makes it looks really weird and not like a cheetah at all. More like a hyena?

While cheetahs DO have a ridge of sort of raised fur on their backs (mostly around their shoulders), it’s not a solid dark color like that, they’re still spotted on their backs. It’s this dark stripe on the new model in a hyper-visible place to the players using the model which wrecks the whole thing. :frowning:

Google images of real cheetahs which show their backs. NOW you should see the problem and why it does not look like a cheetah from the most important angle.


Just as I have the misfortune of seeing the new one. :wink:

Glyph of the Humble Cheetah when?!


After looking at both the old and new models, comparing them to a real cheetah; neither look like a cheetah.

The old model has the colors more right but the new model has a nice druid-y flair.
I like both and both should be an option, not a flat out replacement.
Similar to flight form, being able to choose between humble and swift.


I always prefer having more choice.

However, as I said, most likely the original cheetah was replaced because the model was updated last minute on the PTR a few days after a thread in general discussion asked where it was after it was datamined months earlier.

The devs likely forgot about it, and didn’t have time to add another glyph before launch, so they opted to update it and add the old one later.

The devs are usually pretty good about keeping old models as an option, with the exception of faithful updates like the druid moonkin form. Pretty mitch every hunter pretty that gets updated is preserved as a rare spawn with the old model.

I loved my old Cheetah form. I really do not care for the new one.
At least remove the feathers and crap.

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You linked me the new glyph. lol You said “it’s always been a cheetah” but that’s just what people called it. I was asking if the spell was ever called cheetah. I can’t find any mention of a spell with that in the name other than aspect.

I think it looks pretty. We need a aspect of the lynx. New lynx models could be nice for hunters as well. But that cat is beautiful and could offer a unique alternative to cheetah.

Man, you weren’t kidding. WTF were they smoking? It looks like nothing so much as a hybrid kinda-cheetah/hyena mix. That dorsal stripe of back fur, UGH!


Seriously? You can’t be this oblivious after so many people have told you how this works.

Yes, the original was so much closer :roll_eyes:

I don’t mind if they add it back, maybe they can go with Mark of the Polygonal Feline

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Ah! I saw someone rocking that today and tried to get them to tell me how they got it! (They ignored me.) While I agree it doesn’t look much like a cheetah, it’s a heck of a lot better than that hideous boxy bunch of Vanilla ugliness from before.*

*However, I do agree a glyph would be nice because I respect choice, but while we’re at it can I get one for my shaman as well as I’ve never liked the fat pig-dog “upgrade” they gave spirit form, and would like to go back to the old lean spirit wolf.

The new one’s higher resolution is nice. But it doesn’t remind me of a cheetah.
The old one has better color, spot pattern, and crouching stance for a cheetah.

Yes! But I don’t think the artist that drew the new one has. I meant don’t they eat Cheetos? :smile:

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How many cheetahs have you met?

It’s significantly more cheetah like than the previous, honestly looks more like an Ocelot but to think in a fantasy game that the animals need to match real life exactly is pretty silly.

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