Druid 9.2 Cheetah form SUCKS

forms, lol.

how about giving back tree form without making us restos use a glyph for it? it’s been YEARS since its been removed

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Irrelevant when this game is full of new AND old. You seeing an old cheetah run past you for a second doesn’t kill your game, sorry.

Yeah. We are. Because it’s the form we like. Not everyone thinks the same.

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My favorite part is the mount jump from our ability makes it look like as a cheetah I get kicked in the butt by a ghost that sends me flying through the air xD

But I do like the cheetah form but I do agree…some artist need to go to a zoo and study a live cheetah…its close but something does feel off. Maybe just the stylised appearance?

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“I Hate new thing, because it is new.”

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The patterns and the colors do? Cause I don’t think they do.

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Wait wait wait.

It replaced the old one?

I thought it was just a new form you could opt into.

Ew. I agree, I think it’s ugly.


does the hulk bear look like a bear at a zoo? yet it’s one of the more popular concepts for the druid fantasy.

i think this entire concept is something where blizzard knows better than the few complainers on the forums…they have incredible artists that need to just keep doing their own thing :slight_smile: (the music team is also S tier imo)

i think i’m starting to appreciate the new artwork more now that i’m reading some of the comments about wanting this to be an african cheetah replica…


It’s called a hulk bear. Of course it doesn’t look like a real bear.

I know what you’re saying though.

If we are looking at the new cheetah form this way, it’s just ugly. Imo of course.

Some of the bear and cat forms are just cool looking. This cheetah form isn’t even cool looking.


I personally don’t care if it looks like a cheetah or not. Overall, I hate the form. I want the option for the old one. I have nothing against anyone that likes the new form or the artists themselves. If people enjoy the new one, that’s great. But people who enjoyed the old one got screwed.

I have the option of old and new.flight forms, old and new aquatic forms, old and new stag forms. There’s no reason they can’t give us the option of old and new cheetah forms.


Not going to deny that it’s not my flavor either, but I don’t think it’s a “problem” with art or anything (that some other people are implying above).

If anything, the problem is that they only added one form…they need to be constantly working to add more of these customization options to the game for lots of classes…shamans included. If they have time to make a million soulshapes, they can make more than one travel form, or new ghost wolf.

oh and removing the original cheetah form, further limited customization, so it was a bad move on their part…not sure if that was the art team’s decision or not


This reminds me of that one dude who defended the original prairie dog pet model, saying he wanted the change reversed because they had “more character”

I understand you can get attached to low res models and your brain can fill in a lot of gaps but… there isn’t much of a contest. Same deal here, just a little less intense.

They should add an old version for sure but don’t pretend the older version was somehow more accurate.


The difference is that soulshapes are just generic animals with an overlay on them. That’s not an issue for Shaman. But most druid forms are tattooed, have jewelry, racial aspects to them, etc. It’s why I hated the new lazy glyphs and it the only positive about the new cheetah form, imo.

I have no problem with people advocating for the old one to be a glyph.

My problem in this thread is the amount of people outright calling the new form ugly and saying it doesn’t look like a cheetah. I think it’s gorgeous and it does look like a cheetah.

Most people don’t seem to understand the new cheetah form was added in the last week of the PTR. It seemed like the devs forgot about it until the forums brought it up and opted to add the new form quickly and I imagine they’d bring the old one back as a glyph in like 9.2.5.


I want a new moose model.

I want more moonkin options before any other druid forms get love lol.

We still only have a moonkin option.

Why can we not become like, a Steward?

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I still would love for Stewards to be playable but that’s a much longer pipe dream than a new Moonkin form.

They look find scaled up even since we’ve seen them as those big mobs… it would be nice if each covenant got its own sort of boomie/bear/cat but that maybe getting way to greedy!

I mean, I can understand some of them?

Night Fae: A Faerie Fae - Moonberry is for all intents and purposes a moonkin.
Kyrian: A Steward
Necrolord: A Lich?
Venthyr: I’m actually not sure about this. Venthyr are more physical than magical.

Those would work, too~ I never thought about other sorts of creatures for the other ones I had in mind, just more sorts of different flavours of Moonkin with their own kinda twist… like for Necro I know we already have KT but maybe like a full skeleton version :skull_and_crossbones:

I think people would appreciate your options as well since some folks don’t seem to want to be a chicken. Maybe a fairy, lich or one of those fancy caster vamps would be more appealing option.

Sorry for slightly derailing, there is just so much potential with cosmetics.

I want more colorations of Astral Form. Including the original, which had no coloration to it at all.

But what I really want?

Glyph of the Humble Cheetah


what about put logic in this cheetah and let it climb trees??

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