Druid 9.2 Cheetah form SUCKS

When will Blizzard learn. Whenever possible if they are changing a form given the option to have the old form. It is not like the game is 100% updated so some throwbacks would be okay in my opinion.


There is one criticism I’ll make against the new form and that is I wish the colors weren’t as muddied.

I like the new cheetah form! The old cat had corgi qualities. I think the old should be an option though.

You like it and that’s fine. But others should’ve had the CHOICE.


It’s always been a cheetah. Travel Form was implemented when they implemented this auto travel crap and took away our separate buttons. And when they turned it into a glyph, it was also called cheetah.

Yes, please and thank you.


Never said you SHOULDN’T

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That’s what I was asking, and also pointed out that the new glyph is called cheetah. I’m just curious if the old one was ever named cheetah in any way except by the playerbase. The spell was called travel form.

Side note, I also think they should offer both options. At this point I’m not sure why they ever remove anything cosmetic from the game. It’s going to displease at least some players.

The old “cheetah” form looked NOTHING like a cheetah. It was horrible and had N64 levels of polygon count. It was unacceptable and shouldn’t have been in the game as long as it has.

The new cheetah form is fantastic. One of the best druid forms so far. Looks like an actual cheetah (look one up, OP), and even has whiskers.
Wish i could fight in that form.


You can take it from my cold, dead hands. I love it.

That’s actually the old glyph. It’s been around forever, so yeah. It was called cheetah before the update.

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Nuts theys be, but just a Lil’ bit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, I’m on the ‘new form’ side on this one. Folks asking for a glyph to return to the old form, to me, might as well ask for a ‘Glyph of 2004’ graphics for the Druid. Just doesn’t make sense in 2022.

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Never said you never said, either. It was just emphasis for the entire thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

I literally specifically told you it was. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It makes perfect sense. You like new, we like old. It doesn’t affect you. This affects us.


you people complain about everything. uninstall

The progression of time sadly affects us all. :frowning: The reality of it just may be that the old forms are just going to be a selling point of future versions of ‘Classic’ style of WoW.

i dont think anyone asking for a low res model is serious

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The old one looked like it was from mario 64.

Even though I’m not the biggest fan of the new cheetah, I think one thing I don’t want is for animals in azeroth to be exact copies of animals on earth…in fact, that goes for lots of stuff in the game, not just animal forms.

One of the coolest thing for Druid shapeshifting art (since warcraft 3 - take a look at Samewise Didier’s work) is that the animal forms had their own unique twist…Take bears for example - they look more like monsters to me than a traditional grizzly in Montana. That’s one of the things that makes Azeroth feel like its own alien universe when you log in. It’s supposed to be like that since this is a fantasy. :nerd_face:

I think blizz should continue to do their own thing when it comes to art, and we should allow/encourage their artists to have the freedom to use their imaginations to the fullest extent. So i’m happy this form isn’t an exact replica of a cheetah from irl Earth.

That being said, I wish they would stop removing stuff from the game - they should never have removed the old cheetah glyph, because they should understand there are players that prefer some of those older low res models for various reasons. This includes armor/weapons. :100:


This post does nothing but prove the new model is better lmao.

How on earth do you think the first one looks more like a cheetah?


lets bring back all the old models too! :crazy_face:

I just don’t understand.

‘Hey team, let’s do an update to the cheetah form’

‘You got it boss, here you go’

‘Why doesn’t this look like a cheetah’

‘Because…art. It’s our own little spin on it’


It literally does look like a cheetah.