Well, this week was terrible for me and maybe for a hundred players that dont want to buy carries and are in 1700-1900 zone. Probably 50% or more of our matches are against players that are 2200+ in x3 rushing other players per gold.
Right now X2 is out of control and cannot be fun always fight against ppl that are in another level in gameplay( and more ilvl). PPl can say that you can improve playing vs better player and normally this can be true but in a meta that you simple die in 1-2 seconds and without a replay system is very hard to improve. Be unable to use my defensive while stunned is in my view a bad decision because normally we die with it because in 1 stun(5 sec) most classes can 1 shot you.
The MMR system need a urgent review, the pvp need a urgent rebalance and this burst + stun style is not fun, i know that we have ppl that dont want to play x2 in 15-min matchs but lose in 30 seconds is not fun too.
Sorry per this topic but maybe this is my worst pvp experience in 15 years.
Do you have any screenshots or proof of this? Most of these people are very low skilled but high geared RBG players.
Alex, I’ll take for $800
take a look h ttps://ibb.co/ncdwnW2
bro I think you dropped because of that hideous mog
@op basically whats going on is more and more of the casual player base is quitting the game. That leaves mostly the sweats in the lower brackets. I’ll give you an example. This week i climbed from 1900 to 2k cr in about 12 games. Out of those 12 games 10 of those players had glad mounts / titles.
Yeah i know its 2s but still its crazy to be fighting such insanely skilled players at that low rating. If it wasnt for my class being really good in 2s, I honestly wouldnt have stood a chance. lol i admit im not a very good player.
This link looks kinda sus, idk what that website is. Can someone who doesn’t care if they get a virus verify his claims?
if u dont want to open the link it was a fight vs cdew e venruki while i was 1800 vs 2300 x2 players.
-clicks link-
Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd daaaaaaaaaaaaaang iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
how about stop being a ****y and click it yourself and come back and tell us what it is?
@op This isnt boosts or selling that’s causing this. It’s just how MMR works and is working as intended. It ends up being really problematic when people in-between thresholds dont queue… in general avoid 2v2 if you’re serious about avoiding playing against better players; 2v2 is a game of hardcounters and is in no way balanced.

if u dont want to open the link it was a fight vs cdew e venruki while i was 1800 vs 2300 x2 players.
This happens every season, occasionally you fight against top tier players at lower MMRs because they have alts or friends they want to play with.
If anything, playing against them can teach you a lot more about the game than the people normally in your bracket
wouldn’t really call it their alts with cdew on a sham and ven on a mage
cdews rating was 2222
venruki’s 2103
his team was 1855 and 1843
both teams with a mmr of around 1860

cdews rating was 2222
venruki’s 2103his team was 1855 and 1843
both teams with a mmr of around 1860
I don’t see anything wrong with this, if you take this same situation into a real sport like Basketball, it’s like having Steph Curry in your local Rec League game.
Will you lose? Probably, but you can also learn way more from playing against Steph Curry compared to Tommy the 30 year old balding point guard from down the street.
rec is different than a league game
same as unrated vs rated
rec league here would be unrated pvp and rated is league pvp
losing a game to 2 of the top players with better gear would be annoying in a rated match is all im saying when they are probably trying to push further up

rec is different than a league game
Moral of my post is that sometimes it’s okay to fight people better than you, that’s how you learn
i just find it odd that you argue no1 is fighting all these way better rated players now there is proof and you turn from denying to defending lol
i dont care either way i just find alot of your posts funny

now there is proof
There really isn’t that much proof though, sure he got some high ranked players in a lower MMR lobby but that’s normal
Most of the “boosters” are really just RBG kids with gear.
Its not sometimes, is a lot of times. Seems like your are not playing x2 to talk that. in 1700-1900 zone your will play against a lot of gladiators and r1 players selling rush and this is not normal.
PPL need to stop defending this trash system saying that it based in stone-paper-scissor and that is normal your team fight vs ppl that today is much better than you. The gameplay skillcap diference between 1400-1600-1800-2000-2200-2400+ is very huge in wow and we must assume that is real.
Put it in another sports example is not normal your school team in basketball play against usa basketball team in a official match. Or you and your friends play against Lebrom and others pro players because they want to play with friends or win gold with that.
The system is broken and say that it is not is only making things worst because normal players will have only 03 options, 1- stop play, 2- buy carrie services or keep dropping mmr until option 1 or 2 occur.

now there is proof and you turn from denying to defending lol
Actually, the OP only gives proof for one game. I’m not sure that’s enough proof to substantiate his claim here:

this week was terrible for me and maybe for a hundred players that dont want to buy carries and are in 1700-1900 zone. Probably 50% or more of our matches are against players that are 2200+ in x3 rushing other players per gold.
He hasn’t proved that this is happening to a “hundred players.” He hasn’t proved that 50% of his matches are against 2200+ players. And he hasn’t proved that people are doing this for gold. I’m not sure if the gold part is even relevant tbh, as it’s completely protected under the ToS. So yeah, it’s hard to really grasp how much of a problem this actually is.
Admittedly, these claims are hard to prove with evidence, especially the gold part. They would either require a statistical analysis and data reconfiguration that adheres to proper protocol and methodology or internal data from Blizzard themselves.

The MMR system need a urgent review
The OP’s arguement here seems bold, but it’s worth noting that Blizzard actually has a planned fix for this.
Second, we are going to increase the upper bound of our matchmaking rating system with weekly restarts this week. This should mean that players at the top of the ladder should have less matches that reward no rating change.
Which should help reduce the likeliness of running into higher ranked players.