Dropped from 1850 to 1600 in 1 week fighting vs Glad sellers

It’s not broken though, most people who play understand that this is an MMO and gearing is important and takes time. Every week you get a guaranteed item based on your bracket, you have a 9k CP cap to slowly get to and the people who are already geared can focus on their gameplay.

The meta is fast paced and requires you to pre-wall/predict opponent’s before they make their move, so it involves a lot of quick thinking.

I think if people are struggling, consider watching a video guide on your class :slight_smile:


It’s literally broken and They have a fix coming out…


How positive are you that you are fighting actual glads and not… alts of glads with questionable gear.

My 197 ele sham can technically wear the glad title and glad mount but it doesn’t mean I have any idea what I am doing on him or that I stand a chance on him with his gear.


You’re saying players who are 2200 in 3s are boosting people in glad in 2s at 1700-1900 mmr? That makes no sense.

Everyone seems to forget there are other ways to get ilvl 226, most of which is coming from people who sat early season and farmed gear, or who do RBG’s to 2100.

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Pvp stat and all these stupid “boost issues” vanish.

Actually nvm, if you read between the lines of our blue friend’s post, he mentioned something about pvp participation being at it’s highest point in years, even if that currently at this point in the season is no longer the case.

The tone at Blizavision HQ seems to be that pvp is a success this expansion, just not for reasons we like. If you think about it most those boosts are purchased with gold, which most of the time is obtained through wow tokens and they are swift to punish those who dare do Rmt not bc it’s “against the tos” but bc it leaves Blizavision out of the $ flow.

Simply put, the current boost situation is a massive cash cow for Blizavision, don’t see them trying to do anything about it anytime soon.

I know you troll on here a lot but this one takes the cake :rofl: :rofl:


I am confused… is cdew paying ven for a boost? or is ven paying cdew for a boost?

screenshot of what an actual boost looks like


Do you have any proof that he didn’t, such as screenshots?

Source? Ten char

Care to link source?

h ttps://imgur.com/2Hd1GUS

h ttps://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kelthuzad/larosx

Come on in and defend ya boi in “RBG gear”
I’ll wait.

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This would be a comparison if:

Your Rec league were tied to your opportunity to make more of a income based on your performance.

To some, 2’s is the means to acquire they’re top rating and thereby gear. The top 90% is still right around 1800, so it’s odd to find and play against such high caliber at that rating. There has been an issue this entire season with the difficulty in gaining rating unlike others and it appears to only magnify as this season drags on.

In conclusion I follow your point. I agree with you that it’d be beneficial in the long term to play people who are objectively better if for no other reason to get better. But as it stands, those people are playing in lower tier brackets (with regards to rating) more so than I can remember, really tarnishing the enjoyment of others. I don’t think it’s intentional either, it’s just growing to be the normal now.

But Steph is stopping me from getting my new Jordan’s. I have to beat him wearing flip flops while he wears the best shoes available! lol

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2s is so dead and broken you get matched with people at 2100 (that is actually r1) and still lose 11 ratings while they gain 0 rating for that win.


One or two matches hardly proved anything :roll_eyes:

No one should ever take 2s seriously, to me 2s is basically the bracket where new players go to learn mechanics and for good players to boost in and it’s been that way since it released.

I recommend doing RBGs as anyone can get a fresh alt to Rival in less than a week if they really tried.

I mean you don’t need the Jordan’s, why not settle for the Reebok’s or the Sketchers?

normally all comp can be beat in x2, that is not the problem, the problem for me is keep playing against ppl with much higher mmr or playing again ppl gladiator selling rush. Both can be easily fixed with a consolidated mmr between x2 and x3

yeah its getting really bad. i would just unsub until 9.1. hopefully by then we’ll get templates back / gear normalization.


“One or two matches” :rofl:

That’s your opinion. IMO Rated BG is the only bracket that is somewhat balanced and worth taking seriously. 3v3 is a meta joke, I only 3v3 to casually run with friends/alts or cap some points if I need to. 2v2 is the only arena bracket I care even slightly about. Back in BC when I started 2v2 was taken much more seriously than 3v3 (at least in my battlegroup, can’t speak for others).

Normally I don’t mind the boosters, but the gear difference makes it obnoxious this season. I know when I outplay someone, and it’s annoying to do so but still get wiped out simply because of a 20+ ilvl difference and having to trade 2-3 more defensives on a go than we should.

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This statement made sense once I found your highest bracket is in RBGs.

Sorry but this game’s PvP is designed around 3s :man_shrugging:

So wait, people are mad because they get somewhat 1v2’d? Hmmmm.