Drop Rates on t0

Also with that logic couldnt you just run it one time get lucky your gear drops then you dont have to run it again? At least with the token system it keeps people coming back for something other then gear

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token system is pure retail :expressionless: removes all the randomness, which helps the game feel novel and interesting.

If you have to kill 50 bosses to get one non upgraded piece i would say thats still a grind right? As far as the randomness goes if you dont want to buy the gear with the tokens dont do it use it on boxes or recipes and farm the dungeon until you get your loot to keep it feeling novel for you

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“time to grind the dungeon 50 times”


“time to grind the dungeon till I win that 25% chance”

I know which I prefer :expressionless:

Grind the same dungeon 50+ times and still not the 1 item I need

Or do 5 different dungeons a day and earn enough currency to buy the pieces you didn’t get from your daily dungeons.

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.5 was built as AQ catchup gear back in the day. What are you suggesting it is now? Cause for me its a way to get anywhere close to my hitcap.

So if you get unlucky you would rather run the same dungeon 100 times or 75 or 50 or 25 or 1 however many and leave it up to rng? If so then do that nothing forces you to use the token to buy the gear. Play the game how you want too. Just because they make a change that you dont like dont mean its bad or unhealthy

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Yes. Exactly. Catchup gear. A way for players to bridge into AQ instead of needing to do past raids. T0 is for preraid gear. There is no reason to have put the T0.5 sets in the game this early. This team has little foresight.

I mean… the content is rebalanced and it seems they want to make progression linear, for example ZG looks like its going to be a progression raid instead of catch up, which is pretty exciting. So, what your saying doest reallllly make sense.

Besides, without the introduction of t0, or updates to dungeon loot, we would just be walking into MC in ST gear, which sounds pretty lame.

oh but it is unhealthy :expressionless: like a child gorging on candy, you don’t want to hear it. candy is delicious, that’s all you care about.

The best way to look at it is an upgrade to valor badges. You can get tier 0, which is admittedly much improved from the tier 0 of vanilla, but will still be outstripped by everything, including the direct upgrades to your .5 set. There are also a heck of a lot more items/recipes/materials that are worth getting from various places.

It just does a little bit of work to eliminate the “I was lucky and got my tier and now don’t care about running certain* dungeons” stuff.

Edit to add*

T0 was pretty garbage for most classes, so calling it pre-raid gear is a bit generous.

And, to be clear: tier .5 wasn’t on par with BWL gear. ZG and AQ20 were its own lower-powered progression and offered some but overall little to anyone planning to go into AQ40 that was farming BWL. It did come at a time when itemization was improving, so even if raw power might have been less, some items were better by virtue of being more smartly itemized. .5 was added to increase the power of gear you could get from dungeons so you didn’t pale in comparison to the people who’ve been farming MC and ZG

So, it is catch-up gear, but not to jump into AQ40

I disagree but if being salty makes you happy then carry on i guess. I will just continue to play and enjoy the game gl out there on your drops and stuff. Also seen you on another thread advocating to bring back GDKP so it seems you would rather buy you items with gold then get them via RNG so this system is perfect for you :+1:

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You like sugar :expressionless:
I like salt :salt:
We are not the same

Yes yes yes! Even faster to .5 and my dodge pots :smiley:

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I like to compare it to the system in DDO. In Dungeons and Dragons Online, every raid is a quest that you turn in after completion for a randomized reward. And inside the dungeon are chests at the end that can randomly have the powerful raid loot. One your 20th completion of that dungeon, your quest turn in has a list of raid loot instead of random junk items.

So to me, the idea here is a pity system for the dungeons, setting a ceiling on how long it takes to get the target piece you need over time.

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This is probably one of the most true statements you’ve made on the forums.

Hi, they’re still not live yet and it’s the time world bosses are supposedly available

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Just another post to point out the vendor isn’t up yet.

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maybe it’s cancelled :expressionless:

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