Drop Rates on t0

My biggest complaint about this was that I felt like I wasted my time because I didn’t know these would be purchasable.

Now I’ve been standing in BB like a clown for an hour.

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The messaging on this change has been great. I love standing around for an hour.

gear is up now

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How much is it?

Actually, gear won’t be up if you were in the game during the rollover.

You have to actually close the entire client for it to show up, a simple log off won’t do it.

LOL 50 tokens for 1 piece is asinine… It should be 25 max for chest/leg/shoulder per

This is PHASE gear and caps. Nothing should take that long when a phase is going to last a month or 2 at max… lol they’re so out of touch its unreal

Wow love the fast customer service over here! Now can you fix the bugs of cata classic ?

i wanted to say ty OP for getting blizzards attention, being able to get some gear to try to “catch up” with other casuals like me so we can try to do a couple raids before sod ends is great thx for getting their attention

blizzard any chance you could make it BoA so I might be able to try to play another alt with some gear before SoD ends too?

I’m currently 3/8 (I’ve got the BOEs).

I disagree but this is like the first thing you said that isn’t objectively wrong

Hey, this is an excellent idea! Thank you for doing this. Could we get an update on the status of them being added? I went ahead and started doing world tours for reals instead of grinding UBRS on-repeat for another 4 days. Would love to buy my pieces and complete my t0.5 chain. Any update would be appreciated!

Great change. Thank you kaivax

The tarnishing undermine real currency should of been for 0.5 gear instead. SoD is a limited time server and was supposed to be alt friendly with their exp buffs yet they put raid entry gear locked behind very time consuming gated quests and gold for each of your alts.

you’re thinking small kung, reals for T3. It’s a limited time server. Respect our time.

Also, why the need to run dungeons for reals? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Make them a 10% drop chance from mining or herbing and sellable on the AH.

If people have to raid for T3, this game mode will die. Die, I say.

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No, no, it’s ALREADY a “ded gaem”!

Am I doing it right?

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You’re right, it’s dead. However, there is a chance for the devs to save the game. If I get my entire set of soulforge this weekend there might be hope. Govern yourself accordingly Aggrend, time is of the essence!

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yep the gear you farmed is pointless now might as well delete it… O wait it’s not… You’re just mad for no reason.

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He said SoD was supposed to be alt friendly yet locked every alt behind Tier 0.5 gear that consists of a high amount of gold and long quest chain. He is cooked.

Historically t0 was vendortrash for everyone but rogue.

not BiS =/= vendortrash :expressionless: