Drop Rates on t0

Huge fail where’s the grind and accomplishment gone they just handing stuff out like in retail this is made my grind for my teir-0 gear feel worthless

This is a huge W. I hope more systems like this will be added into the game especially for those players that play alts. The current low % make it near impossible for people to gather gear to play their alts for raids before SoD ends.

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thats already avalible on the quest giver for .5 gear its 20g a pop for offset

Good. In the most polite way possible, screw those people.

I am a sweaty tryhard, and this is a positive change. Most .5 gear will be replaced almost instantly with the addition of WBs and MC, a few hybrid classes literally NEED the gear because they don’t have item drops that reflect their spec (boomy, shadow, paladin ect).

The .5 quest chain is absurdly long and costs 800 raw gold before additional items, this is not a hand out, the t0 unupgraded version in many instances is worse than ST gear.

I raided naxx in the 2004 version of this game, i’ve done rank 14 5 times across versions of classic, im VERY sweaty, but spam farming a tier set with super low drop rates, just so I can have the one gear set that gives me the 10% spell hit I need to function, doesn’t need to be a massive chore especially in a seasonal version of the game with sped up endgame timelines.

Additionally this will promote the running of dungeons such as DM, and Demonscar, which MOST people don’t need otherwise, a great benifit for the people who have priority items on otherwise mostly dead dungeons.


with the gold inflation from incursions i dont see this happening

Every player has to run UBRS atleast once to get attuned and any player that wants to get their set as fast as possible will be running every single dungeon atleast once a day. Great change.

Daily dungeon World tours > spamming scholo 50+ times and still not getting your item

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This is false and a sign of the lack of understanding of what t0.5 was built as.

The currency comes from dungeon bosses. “Keeping the game active” by making bad luck the core mechanic for player retention is some gacha trash. Glad to see it gone.


Actually it’s an incredibly smart and well designed change. Something plenty of other games have been doing for almost 20 years now, and something that WoW is FINALLY adopting in retail and SoD.


I’m conflicted on it.

On one hand, it does remove some of the randomness of gear progression, on the other hand it does remove some of the randomness of gear progression.

Read what you just wrote but slower

It also has the added benefit of allowing people to run any dungeon with the potential to get something they actually want. No more feeling like you’re wasting an entire run because they didn’t choose UD Strat and you only need pants. You can still go and still work toward your pants while helping others go for the gear they want.

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I don’t know how I feel about the run agnostic nature. On one hand, there are too many varied dungeons to make a bunch of unique currencies for JUST the tier set. On the other hand, for everything not getting the vendor treatment it hurts players that aren’t in tight knit guilds.

In most other incarnations of this type of system, the currency or other pity method is tied to all or most of the loot in that specific location, so you can keep running the same dungeon knowing that if you don’t get the RNG, after X runs you will get what you need.

But the once per day nature of the reals also helps enforce running wider ranges of content. it’s not perfect perfect, but it’s VERY close.

Except UBRS is a 10 man (that only drops 4 tokens, least of all dungeons) and the rest are 5 mans. So you can’t just do a daily world tour with the same group like it’s WotLK or retail.

Killing 50 dungeon bosses for one piece of unupgraded loot seems pretty reasonable.


Nailed my dilemma on it. This specific change I can be OK with but we have to be careful of the slippery slope.

“I farmed 50 currency and now I will purchase my BiS gear from a vendor” vs “Oh my god it finally dropped!”…are two different types of experiences.

Wholesale removal of the non-guarantee of loot is not a good path to go down, IMO. There is a balance point, though, for sure. Purchased, quested and dropped gear can all have a place in the game so long as it is done well.

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Yeah, I do hope that they’re more expensive, like 75-100 Reals. (That’s a lot of dungeon bosses.)

As systems go, this is not awful because the pitfall of pure randomness is the immense frustration with not getting the loot you’re looking for for an amount of time and effort beyond rewarding, Savage Gladiator arena runs can be less than 10, or over 100. I do not think anyone is thrilled with randomness on their 105th Arena run.

I actually like this system more than the wrath tokens system, benefit is still variable when one can get the loot in the dungeon from the boss, or with currency farmed from dungeon bosses.

I hear that for sure.

The cycle of keeping people in dungeons via boss currency is excellent. Blizzard is on to something with that one.

It may be a good compromise is your pre-raid sets, and crafting materials boxes, can be purchaseable but your big boy raid gear stays as only raid loot drops. I could get behind a setup like that.

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it’s a handout :expressionless:
part of the journey is getting all the tier 0 gear in the various dungeons
that’s a huge incentive for running them
now people just aren’t gonna run them. heck, this change might even boost gold buying.

The active player base is washed dads/gamers who just want to chill and play. If you want to do something thats super challenging do mythic raids on retail. The majority of the SOD/Classic playerbase does not want to spend 7hrs or more in a raid wipeing just to go 4/6 week 1 like in ST

You still have to run them to get the currency

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