Drop Rates on t0

I’ve done the classic dungeon grind for prebis more times than I can count, but it is seriously frustrating at this point, especially playing a class (boomy) that needs to get 10% hit from gear, which sadly makes my prebis fairly important.

I had the day off, I did 30 dungeon runs today… 0 drops.

I know its just bad luck but 12% still just feels awful. I did Lbrs 106 times in classic for gloves of power, I would love to not do Lbrs another 106 times for my druid tier 0.

Not sure what the fix here is beyond bonus rolls or adding tier 0 items to Tarnished Reels.


they had a good oppurtunity to make tier pieces purchasable with undermine reals


The low drop rates don’t even bother me, but it’s bull**** that horde can get pally gear and alliance can get shaman gear


I think the fix is to simply not do it. I dont think molten core will be harder than postnerf sunken temple. Just get your T1 in 2 weeks and skip this awful grind.

There’s nothing else to do.

This would have been a great change.

What’s the better gameplay loop?

Run the same dungeon 20+ times and have a small chance at getting the piece you need.

Or run 5 different dungeons 4 times each and earn enough currency to get the piece guaranteed.

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gloves and boots are hardbis for me. So… nope?

We’ve got you.

Tier-0 will become available from the Undermine currency vendor tomorrow when the world boss raids become available.


Thank you!

But could you maybe bump it up a week so I can get my prebis before the raid starts? Please!

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ok now drop the price of epic mounts too pls <3

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thanks, amazing to know! Any word on pricing so I can start saving, thanks again in advance.

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Why cant this stuff be in from the start, so much time wasted and tokens spent on boxes when im missing tier

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Big W…just don’t make them too expensive

Probably 50 each to fall in line with the other items I’d imagine…would be a real shocker if they are either 25 or more than 50.

Sounds awesome!

This is one of those things you should have thought about first or just not done. Either way, okay. Just, like, can we not make everything trivial?


-10 char

Huge, make them a fair but firm price. Not too low but not too high! (50-75 I think is a good numer)

Any chance we can get tokens on that vendor that award rep for timbermaw, argent dawn, and the like?


Inb4 no one ever runs UBRS again