Drop Rates on t0

Can you please not? Dungeon farming is going to turn into the biggest spam speed run fest of all time. It’s going to feel extremely unrewarding when you’re piece actually does drop. who is actually running this game? Bunch of clowns. Lets just spam farm tokens for molten core gear too.

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Ironically after this post both pieces of Wildheart Dropped in the same Lbrs run, so im 7/8. That said, I still think adding t0 to Reels is a good idea. Cheers and good luck out there.


Yes tf you do lol

the rings are 50 tokens a piece you think they’re going to make each piece cheap lol??

They gunna have you farming bosses in BRD for an entire week

I already have 30.

Im good.

welcome to classic :expressionless:
but no, you wanna play retail

You might have an argument if this wasnt seasonal.

This is neither classic nor retail. Enough with that crap take.

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Stuff happens, it’s the most important phase in an experimental mode.

In BFA retail I spent 2m gold on my best weapon with the best corruption on it (tokens were around 150k for context) and literally the next day the announced the corruption vendor. I didn’t expect any reimbursement nor complain about it on the forums.

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Any news on boomkin buffs?

You have the average classes doing 2700-3500 dps well boomkins sit at 2200 this is meme territory. We should be buffed to 3000 dps for leaving us trash tier for 4 phases now

Things I would like to see

  1. Half of spirit is now spell power. (Like you gave warlocks)
  2. 15% crit modifier added to moonkin aura for Druid only.
  3. Moonkin form DOT damage modifier buffed to 100%. Instead of 50%
  4. Buff Star Surge damage 30%. It crits for 900 in PvP. Hunters are hitting 2000 chimera shot crits with the same CD and it’s fine. Star surge was over nerfed
  5. Give us that buffed rank of starfire that was datamined with the 100 mana cost
  6. Make innervate a 3 min cd and 100% mana return. Not based on spirit for mana return.

Can we make the pvp gear available from Undermine currency as well. It’s exhausting farming that too.

So Is that going to be the case with the other versions of Tear 1.5 too ? Sense
There’s Multiple versions of it now.

I know it was mentioned.You’ll be able to get the other pieces of the Versions of the armor set you didn’t choose during the quest lying through gold and other means.

And with a new dungeon currency Is that going to be the prime way to get the rest of your Ofspects Tear 1.5 ?

you’ll have to run WAY less dungeons for the gear now, and its not like you’ll have any competition for loot, because you’ll just go get it with the currency. Everything you just said was “nothing words”. A waste of finger typing. lol

Exactly, that’s why they shouldn’t have changed anything after the fact. It would have been completely fine if they did this in the beginning, but they changed something major, after most of the player base have been farming these pieces of gear. They were wrong to do this. There’s not question about it. Doing something this rash could effect the game negatively. If anything, they should have implemented this 2-3 weeks from now, when most of the player base would have their tier gear, so we could get the gear easily for our alts. Now that would have been a much better decision.

it has been running for ~ 9 months already. Stop calling this seasonal. This is the same duration as classic 2019

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Classic 2019 did not have level caps at 25, 40, and 50 to stop progress. The true end game of SoD starts at 60 which was a week ago.

But what does that have to do with her point?

Server has still been running for 9 months. This is not seasonal at all.

This should’ve been implemented at start or later during the phase, like 2-3 weeks after MC release.

they just like to devalue your time and effort. this is nothing new for the entire season as of now.

Its a good change but it should have been there from the start or a week after the raids release not when people spent currency already.

Its like the SoD devs wait for the sweat lords to pig out and then they roll out the beef wellington for the casuals.

I love it.


Anyway, Ima end this because its not going to go anywhere. For a game like this to work, you need casuals and hardcore players. Pandering To one group, while screwing over the other, will ruin the game. All so the babies get their gear 1-2 weeks earlier then they would. Guess what. If you want gear, play the game. If you play the game less then other people, and you don’t try as hard, then you get less. It wasn’t to hard to get the gear to begin with, and if you want a better chance of getting it, then make your own group and HR your item or make sure your the only class type in your group. There are groups running almost 24/7. Just play the damn game… This isn’t suppose to be Retail Light, its suppose to be Classic +. You get rewarded on your effort, and if you diminish that effort, after forcing people to put in the work, They’ll be upset. I can see a lot of people quitting the game because of this. I’ve had friends take some vacation days, just so they can grind to 60 and get their gear asap. Ya its extreme, but if that makes them happy, then hell ya. Implementing this, AT THIS TIME, was a huge mistake on blizzards part. That’s all. The launch went perfectly and blizzard always finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot. Its very upsetting.

Were getting BWL in 6 weeks or so. It’s going to be fast raid drops from now on.

People will still be running dungeons for the currency it also encourages people to run all of the dungeons as the bosses drop the currency once per day.

I have 2 guildies that are over 150+ Strat Undead runs and don’t have their T0 pants as they have not seen their classes T0 drop at all. They are extremely happy with this change.

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