Drop Rates on t0

Have a DE alt, the chance at Greater Eternal Essence and Large Brilliant Shards sells for more on the AH than the bracers themself.

Unlike you I dont hide behind an alt on the forums. Please feel free to join me on my server and I can show you.

But nice try though

Ya I should probably do that at this point. I am just too disheartened to make the effort after seeing almost the entire set of hunter gear drop today alone.

Would be nice if Blizz stopped catering to the unemployed with no children or responsibilities who are “tired” of the grind even though the phase only been out less than a week.

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lol. I’m not hiding behind an alt. I saw this stupid reply from blizzard and clicked “login” at the top and started typing, and that has nothing to do with anything. Just another insult because you don’t have an actual thing to say. your wrong. this was a bad idea. People are going to be mad. If you want to go play retail, then go play retail. Take the easy life that you want.

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Still responding on that alt eh?

Im sorry you and 4 others are mad. But grats on your early 8/8. Now you have the time to make threads about how you have nothing to do already!

There plenty to do. Its just that we could have been doing those things, instead of farming for the gear… now go play your retail

Does this include felstriker? please include felstriker!!

oh thank goodness!!! Big win!

Also, please hyperspawn the mobs needed for Tier 0.5 quests. Don’t wanna spend 2 hours and 100+g farming ectoplasm. Couldn’t even find an untagged mob today and I looked for like 10 minutes.

I mean…the “employed” are gonna have even less time to try and get rng drops in a seasonal server. This is a great change for everyone

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yeah, now I can play with my friends and get reels while helping them gear, instead of being resigned to only farming Lbrs

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Good change Blizzard. As many have noted, this should have been from the beginning. But hey at least I might play more than one alt this phase now.

But if the point is just to get things done asap what’s the point of playing the game then?


if it is 50 coin per tier, u will still need to run some dungeons to get it, u can get some of the tier in those runs, it only helps ppl who needs 1 or 2 pieces, not a big deal tbh

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What other things? You still have to run the dungeons for the currency to buy them. So you either farm them for the pieces or farm them for the reals.

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So you think you don’t have to run the dungeons now to get the gear, just buy them off the vendor with currency you need to run the same dungeons for? I don’t think you understand the flaw in your logic.


Any consideration to put melee HOJ on vendor? Me and a lot of other melee felt sad to see its buyable for ranged but one of the more frustrating grinds for melee :frowning:

Really hate this. Thanks for letting us know before people spent reals on the mat bags thinking there was nothing else to buy.

This is just like when you made breadth unique last phase after people already bought 2 and gave nothing in return.

Just seems like the devs really dislike people who start right away each phase.


Boom!! drops on a vendor.

Good stuff. :+1: :+1:

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there is still ultimately an end on the server where people dont care much to run dungeons. why do your tier quest line when you can just get in ZG with your boys? people are just having a knee jerk reaction to this great change for the seasonal server. You can always go run scholo on era bro its waiting for you haha