Drop Rates on t0

I mean, you did get lucky tho. I was off yesterday, played from 8:30 am to 5:30 am, just farming dungeons, know what I got? Nothing.

As mentioned in the above post it took me 106 runs to get Gloves of Power in the classic relaunch, and idk about everyone here but I did this grind in 2004, then Classic, then SoM, like… I don’t need to do Lbrs 500 more times, no one does.

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look man, there’s no argument. They waisted the time of thousands of people. End of story. This would have been amazing if they had it in the beginning, but no.


they had a good idea but implemented it at the wrong time.

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Surely this will just be for the BOP ones. BOE ones drop all over the gaff. Also on the AH a bunch. No need to have them there IMO

Where is the “UPGRADED PVP GEAR”???

Rank 10 gear is trash compared to MC gear, what is actually going on???

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i’ll buy gloves for tarnished in a second. Mine are 550g and i’ve killed that boss 34 times.

Look man, we all get you no life’d it so you could be the first with 8/8. Thats on you. Cut it with this thousands of people crap. And again, you still would have had to run dungeons to get the reels.

Buy hey, grats on your 8/8 and maybe post on your SoD toon rather than hiding behind an alt.

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That’s a big Ooft! Sorry for your grind! :frowning:

just wait till you hear how many times i’ve done baron for the mount and never seen it XD

Its in the thousands :smiley:

Buff PvP rank gear. It’s trash and not even as good as gear from a leveling raid 10 levels ago.

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lol. Your just wrong, and yes, people love getting the gear asap to get ahead of the curve. I’m sure this is going to be great for you. I’m sure you don’t do much on the game, so graz. In the end, your wrong. This was implemented at a very bad time and its going to cause backlash. Every piece of gear that everyone has been farming for, was now pointless

Remember people saying “exploit early” lol.

Glad I am only level 56. This is a great change for when I hit 60 this weekend.

I was dreading running these dungeons a lot now I don’t have to.

unless each item is at least 50 reals this is a terrible change. The sweats that got the gear by farming deserve the slight advantage for first MC. You get your first BIS but other classes dont? I want ironfoe, and felstriker should those be a real item too?

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You don’t deserve anything just because you no life the game.

That makes zero sense.

If you play the game more, and work at it harder then other people, you deserve the advantage…

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yeah, it should be easier for others to catchup because they quit the game and want to play for 3 weeks before they quit again.

Yes, clearly there will be backlash. I cant wait to hear the outcry of the 4 people that thinks this is a bad change because they got insanely lucky with their RNG early on.


Halfway through revered with AD and never seen the pants, but hey keep telling me I dont do much on the game. And even if I got the pants by now I still would be happy for this change.

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im almost exalted and i havent seen them, if the RNG gods do not favor me then i do not get the loot. If i farmed the loot i deserve the advantage

I think your talking about AV maybe? and getting rep with AV is VERY easy. If you run with a group, you can get exalted in a day

if you get your tier, i get my ironfoe and felstriker. Why cant i buy everythign with reals, because i was unlucky?