Drop Rates on t0

Seen a runeblade, havent seen the mount yet.

And I feel their pain.

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I have seen felstriker drop back to back as well as blackblade of shahram but still not my tier chest a single time.

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Getting the gems is the quest…

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been doing this grind since 2004, the magic isn’t what it used to be. The 627,074th run of Lbrs don’t have that same shine XD

TBH I think expanding on the reals shop is the best way to keep people doing dungeons deep into the phase.


That’s your own fault for going hard specially when the team has been making changes constantly since SOD was launched. Again your own damn fault end of story

Then so be it. People like you are a minority and quite frankly irrelevant end of story

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Thank you so much for this change! Most of the alliance have to re roll onto wild growth due to horde dominating every layer with the server imbalance and no option to pay to xfer. This will help us gear our new toons since we couldn’t xfer off!!! :heart:

It’s gonna be like 50 a piece

I dont see how this is going to hurt dungeon runs, it promotes world tours, which is nice cause the new dungeon along with DM might get some action now. In addition we still have to farm low drop rate off pieces, and items off .5 bosses which require at least 1 person to be 8/8 to be made farmable.


I can see the costs being different. Like 25 for bracers, belt, gloves, boots. 50 for shoulders and head. 75 for Chest and Legs. Something like that.

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I’m sure! Each of these changes trivializing content has brought back a lot of players every time in SoD and kept people playing :blush: as evidenced by the numbers

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Great for priests, because everyone skips the boss that drops the shoulders.

So basically, everyone’s been farming like crazy, and spending a lot of gold for the BOE’s for no reason? This would have been cool IF this was announced in the beginning. So many people wasted their time, when they could have been doing other things. So who’s gunna reimburse me for the gold I spent? lol


How does this “trivialize content”? You still have to run the dungeons to get the reels. Surely keeping low drop rates and crap RNG will keep players happy on a seasonal server.

Or lemme guess, you got lucky and got your entire 8/8 already and are just unhappy you wont be a special snowflake anymore.


Not on all servers. The T0 Belts and Wrists are under 10g on Wild Growth and hands are under 50g.

If its hundreds of gold for a T0 piece your on a crappy server.

What numbers? All it matters is subs whether it’s to play retail or classic

I didn’t get lucky. I had to grind like crazy. Blizzard made the wrong decision, Like always. This should have been implemented in the beginning. Now their just going to flame a bunch of people that spent forever grinding out their gear and spending lots of gold to get it. All that time and gold completely wasted. I’ve been playing the game for nothing for the last couple days now basically.

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Thats your own fault. I too have been grinding like crazy, but you dont see me complaining because this is a good change.

So you would rather they kept it crappy simply because you played the game too much in the last couple days?

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I am literally vendoring beaststalker bracers at this point.