Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

You know, it’s not even the bugged dreamsurge portal at this point. It’s the deafening silence from Blizzard in regards to this bug, and just about every bug that has afflicted WoW since day 1 of retail release…which was when? Nearly NINETEEN YEARS ago. You would assume, that after all this time, that Blizzard would have learned just how important communicating with their player should be. I guess I shouldn’t expect too much, after all WoW is free to play (kek), so we’re really getting the customer service we pay for. So Blizzard…if you’re reading this (double kek), cough up a few dollars and hire some low paid troglodyte to peruse these boards once awhile…and maybe fire off an occasional “yea, WoW be broked…we workin on it”. The thoughtful insight and prompt reply to the playerbase’s concerns would do wonders for everyone. Or just continue to ignore bug reports that are affecting nearly everyone, and carry on with the usual sounds of silence.


I guarantee you if this was a bug with Raid or Mythic+ content it would have been hotfixed within a few hours. Open world content will go broken for months because this current Dev team doesn’t give a damn about open world players.


Same on Gilneas.

Come on Blizz, what was the point of that slow update I was dragged through just to log in. Fix this already.

No word of a fix, eh?

Ghostlands having the same issue since yesterday.

Not only was it not fixed at so-called maintenance, there is zero word from them about it. Not even an acknowledgment it is happening and them working on it. Its like cricket. What are they doing there?

It’s a very sad statement of their current quality control (or lack thereof). They appear to be too busy adding buffs and weird mounts to the PTR to worry about the actual live retail game.

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still no portals, on moon guard

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Broken. Returning player and i’d like to experience the patch pls.

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Blizz pls fix, returning player wanting to experience this.

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It is pretty obvious that the dreamsurges went on PTO this week. Their supervisor said that they will be back next week. Forward all mail to him.

working on ptr, not on live. not surprising though as hardly anyone was on the ptr to test

No JuJu as of 7:30PST on Thrall…

Not working on Nagrand either.

It’s a vicious cycle. People get fed up with lack of feedback on PTRs and Betas, so why bother? I certainly have no desire to shout into the void there as unpaid tester for a company too cheap to employ QA teams.


no argument there. i spent the last ptr cycle seeing very few actually on testing. zero horde, maybe 3 or 4 alliance. So the get what they deserve in these bug reports, and nothing working

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Still nothing on Moon Guard

Nothing showing up in Azuremyst server either. This has been any issue for a couple days now - I’m guessing they don’t plan on fixing it… always next week lol

Not spawning on Ragnaros ethier

10pm on Kirin Tor and nothing. Rares spawning but no portal. Nothing on the map and couldn’t find one flying around either.