Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

Not spawning on Undermine/Anvilmar group either. No map icons, no portal (we flew around and looked)

also on Dalaran, i picked up a green orb then my game basically crashed, tried logging in and all i see is a black screen for my character list…def something wrong

no characters are listed on any of their servers either

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Same here now, finally find the server, no toons

Still no portal spawning on Area 52. We get the green dreaming effect but nothing. No map icon and I flew over the area and no portal

The portal is not showing up on the map on Feathermoon either. Been trying to do it for two hours and everytime it pops up, there is no portal on the map.

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Nothing on Illidan

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No addressing this issue yet?


The issue continues. Ragnaros server.


Would be nice if someone at Blizzard could at least acknowledge there’s an issue.


Can confirm

I can add to the bug report that on Windrunner where my mains are at, it is not showing the portal on the map. I stayed and waited for a few like maybe 3 and nothing. The only thing I didn’t do was turn off my add-ons, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t fix the problem. Has anyone wondered around the zone and just stumbled upon it? I was doing world quests over there and tried to find it but no luck. Hopefully there will be a fix soon!

Does anyone have coords as to where it is supposed to spawn to get a rough idea where to look for the portal?

Scarlet Crusade, same thing. Flew around killing rares and other stuff for a good hour and a half, no portal

there’s is post above with a picture. Is near Antonidas

Not appearing on MG, at least that I can see.

ZulJin checking in. Havent seen one yet today

Nothing on Exodar…

Same issue on Arathor. Been going on for hours.

Same on Stormrage. As soon as it supposedly “spawned” I flew to the place where the portal (per the picture above) is supposed to appear… and nothing. Helped a Horde kill a mob, waited a bit and then shrugged and said… “It’s dead, Jim” and left.

Same on Kargath anyone have coordinates??