Dreamsurge in the Azure Span not showing

Nothing on Kael’thas realm group either.

same. nothing on Bonechewer and its cluster of realms. regular rares are spawning and getting announced but no portal.

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yep still not working on korialstraz 3:42pm est

Kul Tiras also broken.

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Not working on Black Dragonflight

Not showing on the Runetotem server either

I’ve noticed a decrease in those green orbs too. Sigh, it seems after a week of the offering for those of us who need or can use those rewards, they get ninja nurfed.

Nope, Dreamsurge at 4pm EDT didn’t spawn a portal on server Stormrage. :roll_eyes:

Not working on Garona & our connected realms. Please fix.

Sadly still nothing for it on Terokkar today either. I thought maybe just my add ons were blocking it but nah.

no dream surge from

1pm est to 4pm est in Azure span. I knocked out the whole zone of quests, rares, weekly etc. everyone on Area 52 had the same experience.


Not working on Zul’Jin also

Dreamsurge portal in Azure Span, is still not appearing on Stormrage…

whisperwind 3:30 PM cst not showing, is the portal spawning but not showing on the map, or not at all?

this wouldn’t be the first time two events in the same zone caused a problem.

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Not at all.

Kil’ Jaeden hasn’t showed a portal all day long. PLEASE FIX

not at all. icon doesnt show. the zone changes color to green for a few seconds then goes back to normal. and going to the zone there is nothing there.

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I am on Kil’Jaeden as well. I haven’t seen it at all today.

Not spawning on Moon Guard-US either. I’ve seen a couple of the minor portals around and the rares are spawning pretty frequently but no major Dreamsurge.

No icon on the map and nothing happening at the spawn location. The green “dreaming” effect happens every half hour after the timer gets stuck on 0s for a few seconds and then nada.


Same issue on Dalaran as well