Brian Holinctha (WoW Developer) “I wanna get the specifics out because I know this will be a big deal. First Dracthyr on the account has no restrictions other than having bought Dragonflight. Additional Dracthyr can only be created on a server where someone already has a level 50 character and its not already a Dracthyr. Initially, its only going to be one Dracthyr per realm.”
“Obviously, if you delete the Dracthyr, you can make a new one. Everybody gets to make a Dracthyr the first time, but if you want to make a second one eventually, you’ll need to have a level 50 (on another race/class), and you can only create one per realm.”
What this means:
- Your first Dracthyr requires only you purchase the Dragonflight expansion.
- Any additional Dracthyr must be 1 per realm and there must be at least a level 50 toon on that server.
Saw that coming! Got level 50 toons on all 4 connected servers! Whew! 
Same as it was with Dk and Demon Hunters at first. 
Makes me want to make a dracthyr on a server I dont have high lvls on.
Four dracthyr? You hate mogging that much?
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but where is my dragon Evoker tank class? i wanna be up in a boss’ face with my claws and roars and firebreath and stuff.
You can relm transfer to have multiples in same realm too
Fortunately I think one will be enough for me. I even have the name reserved.
I never understood that limit lol
Probably won’t roll a Drakthyr until they unlock other classes for it.
So literally no different then when dk and dh came out. No surprise
I remember people in Legion talking about that being a thing for DHs to avoid gold farmers spamming high level characters or something like that.
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Ya I remember. I didn’t see what lvl that Drakthyr is starting on, 58 it seems so ya, I can see why.
That’s not how you use the word “mogging”.
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I still want to know if they can be something other than simply Evoker. Seems a giant waste to have ONE race/class combo only.
How would it work in wow? The friend that’s new to the game and you bring them to raid where they destroy you on the meters?
You can. Just make it your first Dracthyr created. Then any others you create would have to be on different servers where you have at least one toon at 50.
Sadly it seems they aren’t gonna pull the ripcord on Dracthyr tanks for whatever reason. So if you main a tank and only have time to really play one character, might wanna save your 1 Dracthyr for 12.0 at the earliest assuming they actually plan to open up classes and aren’t just saying stuff to placate people.