Drake fang talisman loot priority

Not a tank, main tank.

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Yea but all warriors are annoying now.

Everything belongs to them now adays.

Now they want spell power gear for their “flask set”.


The main tank needs it, if your guild is “threat capped” on fights like brood then the main tank isn’t doing enough. You can on a lot of the fights in bwl use very very minimal off tanking and complete them fine.

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Also it’s pretty irrelevant if it’s better for a rogue than a warrior. A purple parsing warrior> a blue parsing rogue. If all else is equal sure give it to the rogue, but that’s not how things are. You give the best gear to the best performers because they will utilize it better.

Healing gear.

When you run with the same team, it’s quite easy for there to be healing gear that is no longer needed. To be fair, we need them to come to ZG with us as they don’t need as much gear as the casters. All that healing gear is free pickings for our warriors currently.

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Uh your MC dps is just an unimpressive idk what you’re trying to brag about. MC parses are naturally even easier to get than good BWL parses, I’m confused why you decide to MCP for MC and on the fights you do use you have a ~50% uptime somehow.

Your not good dps isnt from not using MCPs its from not being able to play your spec properly. Like 500 DPS on Golmeagg with full worldbuffs, MCP and DMF is too be honest a pretty bad showing on a 0 mechanic single target boss.

Curses actually. And sometimes an Imp buff.

For a taxi you would use lvl 20 lock alts and clickers, not your raid team. The raid lock goes with the rest of the raid team, they all move out together for safety.

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If you can click need and your other raid member can click need then the priority goes to the one who rolls highest. Sorry fam.

What a wonderful way to prevent those with crap gear from ever getting decent gear. :roll_eyes:
(not to mention cause guildies to simply not show up for raids if all the good gear is getting funneled to high parsers so they can get a minuscule upgrade, while there rest of the gear of the rest of the raiders suffers)

Parses are cancer.


Yeah, warriors are the new hunters. Only 1 DFT has dropped for my guild so far. It went to a fury warrior because he had the most DKP. He also tanks sometimes, so fair enough I guess. Now I have the most DKP and am waiting for it to drop again.


If you are a bear tank but refuse to farm the pummeler, You get nothing for priority in my books.

LOL. Your parses are far worse than mine. Not sure where you get the idea that you’re on the highground somehow.

Where’s the druid love, brothers?

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Are we looking at the same peeople?

Median avg of 89 with a best average of 98.8.

Median avg of 75 with a best average of 83.

Or lets just compare best dps

1700 dps on vael vs 1100 dps on vael
850/823 dps on ebon & flame vs 386/431 dps.
953 dps on broodlord vs 417 dps.

Exactly how do I perform worse? I can see your rotations on your best fights you butcher it completely.

Example Vael 0% Tigers Fury Uptime.
When you do MCP you have a ~50% uptime which is pretty bad considering you have to press 1 button every 30 seconds.
Using claw multiple times.
Using bad powershifting (using 3 shreds then shifting instead of 2)
Opening with Ferocious Bite following a shift instead of Shred -> Bite.


I love when people actually do research to defend their posts, good work man :slight_smile:

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LMAO how absurdly innacurate. You might be looking at our druid tank instead of myself. He uses claw in cat form as he doesn’t have the shred talent. I NEVER use claw. Also, if you’re using Tigers Fury, you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing as feral and you just killed any legitimacy you might’ve had.

Wasting a GCD on tigers’ fury on Vael is a wasted shred and a massive dps decrease. I also don’t use MCP on every boss fight as it isn’t needed.

Also absolutely zero chance you’re doing more than 1200 dps as feral on Vael. Its literally impossible with current gear, unless you have hammer of bestial fury, and thats still a big maybe.

Edit: Wasn’t aware that Tigers Fury didn’t hit the GCD, so my bad on not using it on Vael. However, the rest is accurate.

Feral in my guild did 1.8k this week.

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I’m sure others have pointed this out already but that’s entirely incorrect. Any class with a cooldown or on use trinket loses DPS the longer the fight extends past the duration of that CD/trinket.

It goes up and down instead of basically just plummeting. It spikes back up again as they come off cooldown, not that fights last long enough usually.

He must’ve gotten extremely lucky with no dodges from Vael. She dodges at least 5 of my shreds and a few bites per fight. I’d also like to see logs from that as our best geared rogue pulls 1.9k. Before you doubt the legitimacy of my guild, we have the highest MC alliance clear on the server.