There is sooooo much leather +hit gear you really dont need it as much as a plate tank or a plate dps.
Now that we’re in phase 4 going on phase 5, yea there’s quite a few leather hit options.
You could also argue that at this point so many DFTs could have dropped that all the rogues and plate would have it already.
I wish that was true, we had about 5 scarabs drop, 1 rejuv gem, and 1 DFT. I sat on the top of my SKS list for about 2 months before i finally gave up. The 1 DFT dropped during an open roll night
The easiest answer to this is your DPS threat capped or no when a feral tank MT a boss. I’m bias since I’m a feral who has accuria and DFT
I do use MCP’s and I powershift, and i pull respectable dps in raids. It’s just our entire rotation is based on oversight by the devs. They probably never thought in 100 years that powershifting or using a 35 blue weapon would be core for the class.
If anyone here things anyone should get it above their top 2-3 rogues they’re high
It depends where you are in the tanking system. If your 2nd or 3rd tank it should probably not be going to you till last or close to. I’m all for tanks having threat gear but this idea that multiple need it is kind of crazy. It’s really on the main tank to get the big threat items then to give the 2nd tank items in between dps so they too can pull good threat.
i mean i guess? i wouldnt put my life savings on having a feral tank over a warrior tank. Id rather have a shaman tank nef
The irony of this attitude coming from a warlock is just priceless. Your there as a taxi service, and to SS a healer, not your ability to dps just so you know.
Lots of encounters in Classic require more than one tank to be pumping threat. Most relevant example in current content is Broodlord, where the knockaway mechanic means that your DPS is effectively threat capped by the TPS of your second or third offtank, not just the main tank. Same goes for Chromaggus until the first two breaths go out, Vael during progression until you get it down to a 1-tank fight, etc. So it’s totally reasonable to prio threat gear to your Tank 2.
This is spot on. My guild looked at sims and determined that our rogues would be gaining more than 2x the dps increase from DFT as our warriors on average, so it was a no-brainer to set the prio as rogue > warrior for this item.
In your last DMF run not a single MCP was used, you had Draconic Maul equipped for 100% of the raid. You don’t need to use an MCP to do high damage in raids but it helps especially when your rotation needs work. Your raid before DMF also had no MCP usage as well
Anyhow 400 dps on Broodlord 380 + 431 on the Drakes and 320/299 on Chrom and Nef aren’t very respectable and your kill times for all but chrom and nef are okay so you can’t really use OOM as an excuse unless you decide not to bring runes/pots
Exactly to a druid it can increase our dps by 30-50 easily being able to use more stat heavy pieces as well as the big stat stick DFT already is. I imagine its relatively similar to rogues as well.
Whereas on a warrior its like, if they miss their heroic strike queue timings they will miss 2% less on their offhands kek.
This. Bears make phenomenal main tanks and off-tanks for the vast majority of guilds not playing at the extreme top end. Bear offtanks are not that rare even in guilds with 25-30 min BWLs, it’s just the extreme upper echelon where you don’t see them. For casual and semi-hardcore guilds they are arguably superior tanks than warriors because they sacrifice a lot less mitigation than fury-prot tanks to hold threat over DPS parsing in the high 90s. OP’s guild is almost certainly not one of these extreme upper echelon guilds, so it’s perfectly reasonable to argue for DFT prio to the bear in a guild like that.
The TPS increase when our old bear tank had gotten DFT was phenomenal, she could final equip CoAF and shift in Abyssal Shoulders for non mit heavy fights and almost never threat capped us. (This was during progression of BWL)
A blessing if you ask me. I think it’s very cool. I love that certain lower level items have incredible niche value.
It’s a sign of a more classical RPG as compared to balancing everything to be overwhelmingly stale.
Yeah our rotation is still more fun than most classes ive played, reliable and also slightly hard (emphasis on slightly) which makes it doing stuff like MC a bit more interactive.
I love this as well, I don’t like RPGs which are “over-designed” to the point where every class functions exactly as envisioned by the developers with no room for creativity by the playerbase. MCP and powershifting are the kind of quirks which make Classic feel unique and interesting to play.
DMF you mean BWL? I don’t bother farming MCP’s for casual BWLs as we clear it in under an hour regardless. Maybe look at my most recent MC?
There is literally no reason a DPS should have prio over a tank on DFT. Whether they are a Druid or warrior. A tank is more important to gear out than one single DPS