Drake fang talisman loot priority

Depends really, there were some really great players back then too, just that you did not find them all in the same guild and back then, no one cared about speed clears because it was not a thing because there was no WCL to Flex on.

Fight duration also plays a huge part into it for Feral. I can burst out a ton of damage but if the fight goes longer than say 40-50s I need to start popping mana potions and dark runes to keep my dps competitive.

Might be different for Alliance with Blessing of Wisdom/Judgement of Wisdom.

Usually innervate and rune of meta takes care of that but you’ll likely never have mana issues if you flask and open with innervate on the boss.

BoW usually adds up to 0.5-1 shift in the fight but judgement of wisdom is pretty comfy if you have a ret pally.

That’s true for everyone.

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Other melee dps bar ret pallys do not ‘lose dps’ on long fights instead their dps stabilises as its more likely they have less crit/miss variance. So dps can go down or go up depending on how good or bad the opening of the fight was.

Feral is at its core a mana using spec and therefore when it goes oom there is a legitmate dps drop

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True although I wasn’t comparing it to melee as a whole. Spriests and Ele are in the same boat when it comes to runes.

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You edited out the Non human part.

That’s not true. I got a Lokamir and a nef head on my durid before the palas and before the dps were done with head.

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But are your tanks incapable of holding threat? I am told that daggers is BiS for threat, and that makes it possible to easily get to 310 weapon skill negating the whole “human” argument because no matter the race they would all need the same itemization.

From what I’ve seen, a few of the warriors certainly have to hold back in certain places because our MT can’t generate threat fast enough. I mention non human because our MT is a night elf and is not currently using daggers.

Check out the warrior discord, I have been really happy with all their info. Its a must if you play the class and dont know all the fine points. Helped me a lot with my warrior play.

With lionheart, strikers, onslaught, and pink shoes you are looking at 5% hit before rings. When P5 drops you also get Titanic pushing you to 7% immediately. If you’re human then sacrificial gauntlets actually outperform flameguards in many sims which is an extra hit. All that gear is pretty easy to get and most core warriors should have it if their luck isn’t terrible.

With my setup on guybrush sim I get about 12 dps increase going from Don Julio/Ony tooth/HoJ to CoAF/Eye/DFT. For that setup at least, being able to slot in CoAF/Eye isn’t a very compelling argument for giving it a DFT.

Obviously everything varies based on the current gear of the player, but my main point is it is more important to look at the actual benefits rather than “warrior does more dps than druid therefore warrior > druid on loot prio”. For many guild’s situations it is likely DFT would be better suited going to a rogue or druid instead (I assume since I don’t actually look at rogue/druid stuff).

Same and I enchanted it with spell power much to my raid’s dismay. Best healing weapon available other than r14 but it’s ele bis forever.


Glad someone gets to make use of it, so many healers get that thing and then replace it fast because +healing items are just so much more powerful for actual healing.

Really I wish they had of made the +spell damage and +spell healing entirely separated so that no one does both like we have now, this would have eliminated healers grabbing damage items like that.

Separating the two would have actually been better for game balance because then if you wanted both healing and damage you would need to choose rather than LOLSPELDAMAGEANDHEALING!

Spriests want it too but I think they do replace it.

Well, F to our raid. We’ve only had the one drop.

I don’t mind gearing for healing and damage.

It’s not literal BIS for me offensively, but it is the best I’m likely to obtain any time soon. So I was pretty excited to get it.

Crazy, that’s been one of the more common drops for us. I think all our paladins have them, shadow priest too. As for healing weapons, the Priest quest mace has +90 Healing and 11int, 10stam, and 4MP5

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What you’re saying is exactly right. It’s situational.

If we go by raw numbers and try to optimize those, there shouldn’t be a feral tank to be found.

But since this is a game played by humans with different goals and interests things vary greatly from guild to guild and player to player.

As I’ve said previously, if your guild has a dedicated feral tank and you want to give him DFT - just do it. OPs guild does not and whilst I don’t know their goals I do agree on a more fundamental level.

I personally do not believe that players should receive special treatment after picking a class that performs worse in a majority of settings unless earned through other/outstanding contributions to the guild/raid.

For your shaman? What else would you consider?

Oh, that’s right. Time for bed.

Nah. My druid.