Drake fang talisman loot priority

If anyone is making decisions of where DFT should go off of just meters, they shouldn’t be deciding where DFT goes.

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I don’t think anyone is deciding off just meters, but overall dps is a reasonable factor to consider.

Well yeah, I certainly hope not. That was more of a ‘yeah obviously’ to the person I was responding to.

You where clawing the whelps whilst people were hitting broodlord.

They do though, you crit 3% less on bosses as they have +15 def.
Looking at your best logs your crit rate reflects your crit by 5 +/- so youre not insanely unlucky you’re just bad at shifting and you use claw when you shouldn’t.

Ive got twice as many BWL kills? If I was making stuff up i’d be perform at your level or worse, but with the same buffs and MCPs I was outperforming you when I was in pre raid bis. I wouldn’t really call myself a neckbeard I just do research and learn a class before I spout off nonsense.


If you want to improve your dps by litterally double, feel free to join the druid discord and ask around about rotations. Friendly bunch and always enjoy deep diving.


Warrior tanks&Offtanks already have a great trinket selection from BWL. DPS warriors have dimondflask and HoJ. Should go to rogues and at the most give the feral a equal chance at it. Don’t give druids prio on it tho its to good and kinda wasted on them imo.

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Agree to equal prio.

Im not saying to give druid prio because it really doesn’t matter, but from a pure DPS increase perspective Feral druids get the highest dps increase from it out of all classes and therefore the raid’s damage is increased more.

IMO Bear druid MTs are the only class above rogues/feral on prio due to the actual colossal threat and mitigation increase (the raw hit lets them sub in better pieces not the dodge) dft would provide the raid.

Theoretically maybe but in practice of your standard feral druid player that’s a big wasted item.

If hes not a feral with 4 bags full of pummelers then it should go to rogues and ferals go just above hunters in prio if hes an average feral player.

We dont need 4 bags of pummelers though, literally just 7 per BWL. If you’re in a guild where the consensus is that dft is wasted on a feral doing 750 dps instead of 900 on a boss because they don’t bring MCPs then that feral shouldn’t be in the guild and kiss your crit buff goodbye.

My point being you have to be a really great feral druid to deserve a DFT. You don’t just get a DFT cause “cause I dodge!”.

I evasion tank phase 3 of Ony maybe taking 1 hit. Its not like other classes cant use dodge. There have been a few clutch instances where rogue tanks save the day thanks to their high dodge combined with evasion.

Dodge isn’t the reason that bears like DFT. In fact dodge is the worst mitigation stat in Classic because of how little you can stack and how spikey the damage intake is (dodges just turn into overhealing since you can’t rely on cancelcasting anyway). DFT is incredible for bears because it provides the largest threat increase for a single gear slot by an enormous margin, and because the hit on it provides full value in current content due to the relative scarcity of hit on feral gear and our 9% cap. This translates to a significant jump in your raid’s threat ceiling or allows the bear to maintain an existing threat ceiling while subbing out a lot more mitigation elsewhere.

Yes, all that gear dancing and justification just to ultimately be an inferior warrior tank.

Dang I wish feral druids had an entire form specifically made for tanking thats more effective than a 20 second cooldown on most bosses.

The funny part is your guild would suit a feral tank the most, a bear with anywhere near the equivalent of gear your MT has and using MCPs would defs output more threat by large margins and have more mit than your deep prot tank even with TF.

My point with this particular post was in response to the other poster who said MS > OS. Well, Diamond Flask snapshotting is MS so his point is kinda lost there.

However, I didn’t say MT > MH. In fact in a later post, I said some guilds do MT > alt healer. If someone is bringing an alt healer to the raid, there is a very good chance that MT is getting the gear over an alt. And if you don’t think that is happening, you might want to take a good look at these forums since there is at least one very large post where the responses on that topic were pretty mixed.

Rogue proclaims BIS trinket for warriors and rogues should go to rogues.


Warrior alt doesn’t understand why rogues should have priority over warriors due to heroic strike exploit…I mean mechanics. Yeah. Mechanics.

Oh and here, I will save you some trouble. I am guessing there is a blue post around here somewhere, but this is the gist of it https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/off-hand-swings-with-hs-cleave-queued-dont-suffer-dw-miss-penalty/309417

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And he’ll also have no significant cooldowns like shield wall, last stand, LGG, potion, etc. Hope nothing goes wrong!

Having more mit and the same threat producing ability as a fury prot means you’re in a constant state of shield wall : )

Every single half decent bear has a powershift macro to pop GSS pots, Whipper root and can always. For example a macro to pop GSS, Whipper root, shift into bear then cast sequence demo roar. All without ruining their threat gain or risking getting hit in human form.

Although I do agree the lack of LGG, GSS, Shield Wall combo is a con.

Not sure how this thread has gone on so long.

Simple answer is, if you have to ask, it’s probably warrior prio. :upside_down_face:

Yeah, I’m not buying w/e your selling. I’d like to see this mystical bear tank that is pulling more threat then a BiS fury warrior tank with TF. Who also is in a permanent state of shield wall.

Let me guess all he needs is DFT, boots of the shadowflame and all the best pieces from AQ. Even then he somehow skips out on tanking 95% of the fights.

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Realistically, threat outputs are near irrelevant at current, the advantage warrior has is burst threat through reckwish at the start of a fight and overall dps, but bears are going to take less damage, even in full threat gear.

Like doing 2x or 1.8x the threat your dps is doing doesn’t matter at all, which is where we are right now.

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