Drake crests, Flightstone, Whelping Crest are Gone

Why has the flightstones, Drake crests, and Whelping crests all say zero and are grayed out. Why??

It could be cause they are old content now.


How then do I upgrade my armor?

I haven’t tried it in DF yet, but I don’t think you can anymore. I think you can only do it in TWW content now.

so you think we are being forced to pay for the upgrade ?


If you want to play TWW content, then yes. Otherwise, as in the past, when a season ends, the gear and currency go “old.”


So then I guess I’m lucky that I have max level on all my armor.

Seems that armor collected in DF is no longer able to be upgraded at all.
The item upgrades guy, Cuzolth in Valdrakken is still in-game, but you can’t upgrade any DF items - all the DF items are grayed out and you can’t hit the green + to upgrade any.

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The alternate currencies for the season are cleared out at the end of the season. Now that Dragonflight Season 4 is over they have been removed.


Are we being forced to pay for the new upgrade in order to advance our characters?

That is how all previous expansions have worked. The main upgrade/power systems for that expansion are no longer enabled.

You can still earn gear and items from Dragonflight content, you just cannot upgrade them. You aren’t being forced to purchase the War Within expansion, but there is a limit on how much “power” you can receive through the previous one.


Can I take all my chacters into the war within game and not loose what all they have now?

What do you mean by lose, Bendarsoho? The War Within raises the level cap, so as they gain levels they’ll be able to fill out talents in the new Hero Tree. You’ll find better gear along the way, etc… but you shouldn’t otherwise lose anything.


Ok, thank you for your time explaining. I still don’t understand why the only thing that is lost is the currency . I still have other chacter I would like to advance.

Hmm is this something that changed with official launch?

The upgrade NPC in the new main hub let me upgrade all my Dragonflight gear using just flight stones. I upgraded all my gear to get the transmog appearances. I don’t have any gear left to check, I did them all on Sunday.

I believe that officially ended season 4, which removes a lot of PvP and PvE stuff from that previous season.


Well glad I noticed and got my upgrades in for the transmog!

Just to let you know; the flightstones and other forms of them, like drake crests, are gone. I have a good number of them on my mage that I’m leveling in TWW and all three are zeroed out.

Thank you for your time

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I just want to collect flightstones for the achievement. what about that?

Also… maybe the item upgraders and crest exchangers should be removed, they are just teasing us now.