Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids

That’s like asking why does 10an and 25 drop the same loot…

We are asking the discrepancy between 10 and 25 man to be not that significant


Aye, shorten the time on both to encourage the community to actually play and enjoy FL instead of just quitting it and drop numbers all together cause we kill 7 bosses for 5 months.

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So your saying that because you raid 25 man you can do ALL normals and progress staves faster than a guild that dpes all heroic 10 man. If you think this is right a delusional monkey. That being said I think that 10 and 25 normal should be the same acquisition rate and 10H and 25H should be the same acquisition rate this gives the guilds who put the effort in a reward for doing heroic instead of being handed staves for giving 25 people with a pulse who can kill loot pinhatas a better reward


Did you read the post or just what you wanted to, they said they were pushing back the release date of dragon soul

This is not logical I already covered why this!!!

Common sense isn’t common I get it. Not everyone knows that 1+1 doesn’t equal 11.

Pretty sure you are the one who is Delusional!!!

The fix is simple.

Assuming the new heroic+ have a new currency, make a shard collector item for 250 of the new currency.

What this item will do is when you have it in your inventory you have a chance to loot a shard per boss killed.

So it adds a personal loot to those who put in the work to speed up their shard collection.

This gives people who want it a way to drastically improve their chances of completing the ledgendary for a substantial time investment, still requires the raid to be done, and will let multiple people work towards getting the ledgendary per raid group.

Lets say it gives you a 10% drop chance per boss. So you would get an average of slightly less than 1 shard per raid (8 bosses) per person that farmed this item. And it would be a personal loot.

This item would also cause extra chances for the cinders to drop per boss wheb you are on that step of the quests.

Fyi, i am not a caster player and wont be farming this, but they should add an effort based method to improve the rate of farming this for getting the ledgendary, especially considering the reduced time frame of classic.

Essentially the idea is if you have an entire raid that is consistent, you will get the first staff a little faster, and the next person in line to get it will be maybe 1/3 of the way done getting toward their staff. And on the third person he will be 2/3 of the way done, and by the tine you get your 3rd finished, the rest of those pursuing it will be almost done and the raids drops can just finish them off.

So this item would ideally let you farm out the ledgendary at a much slower rate if you are not the raids “focus” for it, but still working towards it.

This will also encourage many people to do the new heroic+ dungeons for a bit even if they have heroic t11 bis already.


Its a great idea to add an individual component to it. That means when DS comes out we won’t have to keep raiding FL

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Should of just made all the items drop for everyone on that quest.

Was the easiest fix.

Red always got some wild fixes instead of the easy fixes.

Everyone on cinders can loot cinders off the bosses that drop them for example

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By the time Dragon Soul is released, most guilds will likely have at least 6 out of 7 Heroic bosses on farm. It has been mentioned that both Normal and Heroic versions will yield the same number of shards. Therefore, if your guild has members still on the quest, it’s worthwhile to spend 45 minutes on a 7/7 Normal speed clear each week. This effort is to acquire the staff, which is considered best in slot for all casters.

In fact, most people on the staff quest should be on Stage 2 simultaneously, while the first person is progressing threw Stage 3, since Stages 1 and 2 can be completed by several people at once. This also explains why there’s only a 2-3 week interval between the production of subsequent staffs following the initial one.

if you have 2.5x players, u should have somewhere in the range of 2.5 - 2.75 acquisition rates on items, it seems like 10 man is actually not that badly off compared to their normal loot situation which is 2:6 on non tier bosses and 3:9 on tier

they are 1:2 on staffs if that wowhead article is correct, i haven’t done the exact math yet or know enough about the quest line

I’m attempting to explain that having the same drop rate for 10-man as for 25-man is not advisable, yet despite the reasoning provided, they fail to grasp why this is not a good idea.

10 man having the same drop rate as 25 man would lead to the most obvious thing in history, the end of 25 man guilds and the beginning of 30 man guilds that run 3x 10 mans.

I have seen the arguments that no one outside of the top would do this, but you are just wrong, not doing the 10 mans for extra staves will lead to your players going elsewhere, where they can get the staff or watch their friends get it, if 10 man was ever to be so incentivized you would have to do it or your guild wouldn’t exist for very long

Also add to that that 10-man prog is easier there would be no reason to do 25m

The triumvirate has spoken.

basically all of t12 is easier on 10 man, there are some circumstances during rag transitions where this isn’t the case, the sons of flame in 10 man can be quite unforgiving because you have less ways to deal with them approaching the hammer

baleroc can be a bit rough on 10 man also. Everything else is noticeably easier, especially things with ground clutter like shannox traps and such

Yeah, this is easily negated just by making a viable raid comp.

Don’t tell them that they’re going to be in here talking about how hard 10 man is compared to 25 man again

Why is it the end of 25 mans and not the beginning of 10 mans?

How did that reality come in to play besides the fact that you can manipulate gear multiple months in advance of a 10 man

Does everyone at least agree that both raid sizes could still proportionately make their acquisition times faster and everyone would be happier?

Maybe we can just focus on those types of options instead of arguing about the wrong things.

A.) Personal Quest Item Loot (don’t say this isn’t possible or hasn’t been done before - it has for plenty of legendary quests ie. Atiesh KT drop). This wouldn’t increase or decrease acquisition nor encourage raiders to swap from 25 to 10 or vice versa because all would be on a similar speed regardless.

B.) 4wk 25 man and 8 wk 10 man max (which would allow for at least 3 casters to get staff in 10 man within about 13 weeks and about 7 casters to get a staff in 25 man in the same time period)

These are very different solutions, but both could be found more fun than the current timeline for 10 man.

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The only problem with making it “everyone gets it” is that its an incredibly powerful DPS item. Its probably the most impactful DPS item ever put in WoW.

My 10M has 4 casters on the roster. If we go into DS with 4 of these things the content is just going to fall over without any challenge. There just won’t be a DPS check.

In WOTLK at least it was the end of expansion so it didn’t really matter.

I’d like to see them make it individual, obtainable in about 6 weeks, but then nerf it

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