Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids

My 10man group has 3 casters. We’ll only get 1 staff made by the time DS releases. If we’re unlucky, then it could be february. Thank you for gatekeeping the fun, Blizz, it’s exactly what we needed.


It’s clear that if Blizzard made the rewards for 10-man raids equal to those of 25-man raids, then guilds currently running 25-man raids might opt to run three 10-man raids instead. Why should there be special treatment for not raiding in a 25-man group? You made the decision not to participate in a 25-man raid, while also choosing to have 30% of a 10-man raid roster comprised of casters. Before you claim “we can’t fill a 25-man raid roster,” consider this: you’ve had nearly six months to complete the roster. That excuse is akin to a bottomless bucket; it holds no substance!

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Except the problem is, it’s not always possible to get a full 25 man raid team going every week. My guild started pretty late into the tier and for the first month or 2 of us raiding, we had problems keeping a few of our DPS (They kept no call no showing.) By the time we managed to get a full 10 man, we can’t seem to find more people willing to stay in the guild, or be social at all even. Heck, most people we bring in don’t stay for very long. I think player interest so far has been dwindling.

As for the quest, it absolutely should be streamlined further so that at least a few people can get the staff in 10-man. If they have to, they could just speed up the quest in 25 man even further. Who cares if a lot of people get it.


I understand the excitement for Halloween, but legendary items shouldn’t be treated like candy handed out on Halloween.

(post deleted by author)

you’re not going to like MoP Classic when everyone is running around with Legendary cloaks and gems. This is a re-hashed version of the game, its not about being special, its about maximizing fun and having people gain experiences. Including those bucket list items that they may never have achieved the first go around.


As it stands, you will actually get a full raid of legendary staves in 10 man before you get it in 25 man.

25 mans may get the items twice as fast as 10 man, but they will have triple the casters.

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if anything, 10m should take even longer since 10m is easier and you get less casters building the staff

The one thing i get from these threads is that players, at least on these forums, have no proper concept of time anymore. It’s almost to a point where i can see people requesting a new tier every month or two months, which is ridiculous. Rng plays itself out over time, which is why these tiers take so long.

Dragon Soul is expected to drop in January. Even if it drops at end of January thats only 1 staff per 10 man teams and 2 per 25 man teams.
Which is made worse knowing Shadowmourne got a second update making it only take 3 ICC clears for all 50 shadowfrost shards.

Its already been established that we don’t need to gatekeep legendaries in classic behind obnoxiously long grinds. So its weird to still see it happening.


Lol We didn’t want to do Phase 1 for 6 months!!! Blizz lied when they said " * Zul Aman and Zul Gurub will most likely come in a mid-patch update between launch and Firelands, it won’t be a full phase."

The Firelands should have been released in August, with the Dragon Soul following in December. Then in March a complete shutdown of the classic project along with all its servers.

were not doing t11 for 6 months, its literally 5 months and a week. People have been whining about this tier less than 3 months in. Most likely we will be in firelands for 4 1/2 months which puts us in mid march for Dragon soul

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Blizzard announced that Dragon Soul is scheduled for release in January.

People where also upset because blizzard also said

  • “Zul Aman and Zul Gurub will most likely come in a mid-patch update between launch and Firelands, it won’t be a full phase.” (Last for 3 months)

  • “We want to increase the cadence of patches and raid releases, speeding things up. There’s an assumption that part of the reason Cataclysm was divisive was because of the slow pace of patches/raids (especially Dragon Soul)”

However, both of these have been blatant lies. Thus far.

I just found out about the staff time.

Like what are they smoking over there? 9-12 weeks for 10 man and 6 for 25 man… even for 25 man it’s insane 6 weeks. The tier will be already the shortest in this expansion and they want 6 weeks for 25 and whooping 12 for 10 man?


Honestly, a 10-person task should take 2.5 times longer than a 25-person task, based on simple math.

If it takes six weeks to craft a staff in a 25-man raid, then by that logic, it would take fifteen weeks in a 10-man raid. However, if the crafting time is shorter in a 10-man, then Blizzard has effectively made it faster than what would be expected.

You’re right, people shouldn’t be allowed to have fun in a videogame. Blizzard shills are such sad creatures.

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This was a hot topic back in the OG Cata, and dev team at the time basically said they want it that way to incentivize 25man raiding, as majority of the community at the time gutted 25man and ran with 10mans.

So they said they tried the mount incentive but it didn’t work, so legendary speed was another, you’re free to research the post for your self; that being said I think the current SOD Uh Classic team doesn’t want to really put anymore focus on this game than they have too, meaning they will use the OG timeline as scapegoat.

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Well actually they said on X that they would delay Dragon Soul

We’re also planning to extend the Firelands phase of Cataclysm Classic beyond the previously-announced January end date, to give as many players as possible the chance to experience this legendary raid and craft their very own Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.

With them extending the raid length which I guess will be around 4-5 months you have 16-20 weeks to get everyone their legendary or close to. With 4.5 weeks minimum on 25m that’s around 5 legendary at best. And for 10m with a 9 weeks minimum around 2.

So around half the casters on your roster will be able to get it, which I guess like Ulduar they want us to keep running Firelands when Dragonsoul will be out.

Probably also means that you’d want to run two groups if you don’t want to go back to Firelands during Dragonsoul. Or something like 1x25m and 2x10m.

Not sure what I think about this yet but I think it makes sense at least in term of 25m vs 10m.

I mean, did anyone with a working brain need to see the twitter post in order to know they would extend the phase? Don’t cut this dude/dudette any slack while posting on a troll character